No sound over hdmi, connects as DVI

  • Take into account that good shielding is a major part of any high speed cable. If this is missing, chances are that HDMI mode can't be established, and connection switches into DVI mode.

  • Code
    LibreELEC:~ # edid-decode /sys/devices/platform/gpu/drm/card0/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid
    EDID extract of '/sys/devices/platform/gpu/drm/card0/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid' failed: unknown format.

    Well that didn't go as expected.....

    What does:

    cat /sys/devices/platform/gpu/drm/card0/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid | wc -c

    I'm guessing it's zero length. Can you run "getedid create" from here.

    Hopefully that won't get upset by the invalid edid. You should now have a file in .config/firmware/edid/edid-HDMI-A-1.bin.

    Replace this file with an edid file that supports audio. You can try mine.

    But be aware that edid probably promised to support more than you monitor actually does, but it would be interesting if that is enough to get audio out.

  • What does:

    cat /sys/devices/platform/gpu/drm/card0/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid | wc -c

    I'm guessing it's zero length. Can you run "getedid create" from here.

    Hopefully that won't get upset by the invalid edid. You should now have a file in .config/firmware/edid/edid-HDMI-A-1.bin.

    Replace this file with an edid file that supports audio. You can try mine.

    But be aware that edid probably promised to support more than you monitor actually does, but it would be interesting if that is enough to get audio out.

    Correct on the 0 length. The funny twist is, when i first ran it, it was 256, so I went into settings -> audio and low and behold HDMI was there! I switched it on and it worked and i thought "cool, I should reboot". Well After reboot I was back to nothing and a lenght of 0 for the file.

    Finally, getedid create wouldnt work either, but I noticed my display would come up as digital if I turned the pi on first, and then the TV, but the issue was it would just be a black screen. SO thats when I rad getedid create, and it created one and added the stuff to my cmdline.txt. I did a reboot, and all of a sudden I have all sorts of display size options AND HDMI audio.

    I've done a couple reboots and it seems to be working now. It takes a little longer to boot up, but that is not a big deal.

    I will try and get a better quality HDMI cable, because the fact that it just randomly worked once makes me think Da Flex is right. I guess the rpi4 is just a lot more picky with cables then my old WeTek box.

    All in all, thanks all for the help. I think it is working now.