No support for newer Intel IGDs (Tiger Lake)
isamudaison -
November 19, 2021 at 9:01 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Jasper Lake is from Q1'21, so you'd think Linux already has some support from 5.12 or 13. But apparently you do need 5.15+.
Did you also try the nightly from https://test.libreelec.tv/ ?
Hi isamudaison - the TGL (nuc11) works with 10.0.1, from a boot perspective. There are some glitches with the graphics until kernel 5.12 - please use nightly and let me know how you go. Also I would like to see your logs at some stage to check why / what is the error occurring with the PN41
kernel 5.15 can be used by pn41. 20211113 and after.
Ok, latest nightly (https://test.libreelec.tv/LibreELEC-Gene…-5e534df.img.gz) works (boots up and all that, haven't tried playback or anything). For the curious, a full debug log:
Edit: UHD playback works (not sure about HDR; I'm assuming it doesn't as it's only hooked up to my monitor ATM and don't feel like shoveling it off to the media room) and the DRMPrime decode isn't working either (I'm guessing this is only really working in smp's builds currently).
Haven't tried AV1 videos yet but I'm assuming those are not fully hooked up (hardware-decode wise) in non-smp buids as well.
Haven't tried AV1 videos yet but I'm assuming those are not fully hooked up (hardware-decode wise) in non-smp buids as well.
Jasper Lake does not support AV1 decoding in hardware. Only TGL/RKL/ADL support this.
Jasper Lake does not support AV1 decoding in hardware. Only TGL/RKL/ADL support this.
It's a little fuzzy, especially looking at the comments here: https://www.cnx-software.com/2020/10/11/ena…-in-windows-10/ (although it's not entirely clear looking through that referenced git repo either).
I really don't understand why Intel can't hire a competent marketing team for their naming schemes...
I don't think the naming scheme is the problem, it's better to have actual names than identifications as X6sK8L3 like motherboards do.
The problem is that certain video/graphic capabilities are not in each release of every video chip generation. The cheaper chips (Atom, Celeron..) don't always get all video goodies that Core 3/5/7 get. And then marketing people "forget" to mention the missing features.