Increasing SSD Size in Kodi

  • I am using the Aragon ONE M.2 RP 4 case and with it, the SSD drive is not seen as removable in Windows 10. So I used the "LibreELEC USB-SD Creator" to make an SD card to boot from on the RP 4. I had read that this was an installation disc, but I was never given the option to install LE to the SSD drive (I tried multiple times). The RP 4 simply would always boot into Kodi directly from the SD card.

    So I used DD to clone the 64GB SD card to my 256GB SSD. I then used parted to expand the ~64GB partition to fill up the the remaining space. That was done successfully and the RP 4 boots LE off the SSD drive:

    However, the Kodi GUI in system information reports the disc is still only 64GB. How can I get Kodi to see the entire proper partition size?



    Edited once, last by craigr (November 13, 2021 at 7:07 PM).