Gamepad not supported?

  • Hi guys!

    I've migrated from OE a couple of weeks ago and I'm very pleased with LE.
    Finally, I have the perfect HTPC with everything working, thanks to you guys.

    There's just one small glitch with my setup; I installed Moonlight in order to stream games from my game rig.
    Video streaming is working perfectly (the audio isn't, despite my efforts), but that must be from the audio output settings in the addon.

    Now, my gamepad isn't detected. I had an old usb "ThrustMaster, Inc. Dual Trigger 3-in-1" hanging around and I thought about using it, but I guess LE doesn't support it?

    lsusb outputs this:

    Bus 007 Device 003: ID 044f:b323 ThrustMaster, Inc. Dual Trigger 3-in-1 (PC Mode)

    ... but dmesg doesn't even mention it.
    I also don't get the "New device configured" dialog in LE when I connect it.

    It still works perfectly on Linux Mint/Ubuntu and Windows 10. I tried installing evtest, but couldn't find it for the latest LE Krypton.
    So, do I have to buy another gamepad? Is there anything I can do in order to make it work?

    Thanks in advance :)

  • Well, never mind.
    I can see the available build wasn't compiled with support for Thrustmaster devices.
    I'm compiling it myself as I write. Would it be too much to ask support for these devices in the future? I guess they're pretty common.

    Thank you!