Missing resolvconf in libreelec 10

  • resolvconf is missing in libreelec 10 and that is blocking to fix the dns while starting the vpn and also blocking openvpn to update dns using the ones pushed from the server during the connection.

    How can I add it?


  • Code
    WP2:~ # cat /etc/resolv.conf 
    # Generated by Connection Manager
    WP2:~ # ls -l /etc/resolv.conf 
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            26 Aug 10 16:34 /etc/resolv.conf -> /run/libreelec/resolv.conf

    ^ The file is present for me, and contains a nameserver obtained from DHCP, the file is managed by ConnMan (the connection manager) and is linked at runtime to /run which is a writeable volatile area of the filesystem. There is no need for OpenVPN to update this file (at least with conventional client-server VPN use-cases) so we dropped OpenVPN support from ConnMan (connman-vpnd) ages ago.

  • Hey, I know this thread is old, it seems relevant though. i'm getting an error in the openvpn log saying "options error: '/etc/openvpn/update-resolve-conf': No such file or directory (errno=2)

    tried to create the directory but /etc is read only

    not sure how to fix

  • That's something different .. /etc/resolv.conf is not the same as "update-resolv-conf" which looks to be a script used when connections are brough up/down. You can install the script somewhere on /storage and change the openvpn config to call the scrtip from that location instead of /etc/openvpn which is not writeable.