Raspberry Pi 4 B running 10.0.0 crashes when idle or doing something (i.e. playing music)

  • Hi All,

    I apologize in advance as I am new to the forums and I hope that I am providing all of the information to help you get to the bottom of the issue I have found with my new installation of LE 10.0.0 on my Raspberry Pi 4 B (8GB) with a JustBoom Digi Hat. I had been running LE 9.2.8 without issue so I decided to try our 10.0.0. So I got a clean SD card, installed 10.0.0 fresh and then took a backup from the old 9.2.8 and restored it on the new system. There were a few plugins that were no longer compatible (which was expected), so I disabled or uninstalled them. However, I have noticed that if the system is just idle or playing music (haven't tried watching a movie yet), after a while the system seems to crash unexpectedly.

    I couldn't make a whole lot of sense out of the regular log file or the crash log file or any of the other normal system files. I am hoping some of the smart people here can help. :)

    I can provide several crash logs if needed however this is the one from today while I was typing this report up and the system was idle: Crash Log

    I also just rebooted it and am providing the option of the config and regular log files: Regular log(s)

    Dmesg output can be found here, if hardware is at question: dmesg output

    The only other things to note about the system is that the HDMI is connected to an amplifier/receiver before it goes to the television and the JustBoom Digi Hat provides SPDIF optical audio to the amplifier/receiver. Also all of the music, videos, movies, etc. is stored on a NAS which is connected via Gigabit Ethernet and both the Raspberry Pi & the NAS are hardwired (CAT 6e).

    If there is anything else that I need to provide or other diagnosis steps you need me to perform, please do let me know. Hopefully by submitting this report it can help someone else who may be experiencing the same or similar issues.


    Edited once, last by verticalrock (September 20, 2021 at 6:44 PM).

  • Hi Irusak,

    Thanks for the prompt reply! I guess it's good that it is already a known issue and not something out of the blue. I'll go ahead and wait for the next release and try again.

    I am guessing that since you edited your response we've fallen into the unknown crash zone. If you need me to run any further tests to help clarify or narrow down the issue, please let me know.


    Edited once, last by verticalrock (September 20, 2021 at 11:38 PM).

  • Hello again,

    I saw that there was an update to 10.0.1, so I went ahead and updated my 10.0.0 instance in hopes that I would fix the random crashing issue. While I was hopeful for a while as it seems to last a few hours initially, it finally did crash. I cleared the crash logs, set it to debug again and then waited for it to crash out.

    Here are the crash logs in hopes that someone can help me diagnose the issue: Crash Logs

    Again, please let me know if there are further details that are required.


  • All I can see is the crash comes from a python add-on.

    Try disabling any add-ons and see if you can narrow down which it is.

    A reinstall that doesn't restore from backup may avoid the issue.

  • Hi Popcornmix,

    Thanks for the suggestions. I disabled all of the Add-Ons that I could (many were greyed out) and I still was able to get it to crash out. I don't have many non-standard Add-Ons (i.e. YouTube, Radio, NOAA Weather, etc.) but if this is a Add-On that's causing the crash it is either a standard Kodi or LibreElec Add-On or one associated with my chosen skin, Aeon Nox: SiLVO.

    Anyway, here's the latest crash logs: Crash Log

    I was hoping to not do a reinstall that didn't involve a restore from backup, but will if that's the only solution forward.

    Again, any thoughts and suggestions are welcome!


  • Quick update... I reinstalled on a new SD card 10.0.1. And after configuring my network sources for Music, Movies, etc., it crashed once again with no other plugins besides the ones that comes with the base installation while playing music. Then it crashed again while doing nothing. Here are those crash logs: Crash Logs

    So I am at a loss as as clean install still produces the same results. Thoughts are welcome for sure. In the meantime, I am rolling back to LE 9 until someone smarter than I can unpack the crash logs.


  • it crashed once again with no other plugins besides the ones that comes with the base installation

    That's not entirely correct: skin.aeon.nox.silvo v8.0.0 installed

    Try again, with a REALLY clean install. Skins can crash as well because of their added functionality.

  • Apologies. The Crash Report I was able to send, was after I had reinstalled that Skin. I had it crash running the default skin of Estuary. I'll reinstall and try to replicate it again.


    Edited once, last by verticalrock (November 6, 2021 at 2:55 PM).

  • Ok, so finally some progress to report. With a clean system and no additional addons even installed much less enabled, I was able to play music for about 6 hours yesterday and then let the system sit idle overnight, there were NO crashes. Hurray!

    So now it looks like it's going to be a hunt for which addon is the little bastard that is the pain in my @$$.

    Thanks to all of you for your assistance and I will consider this issue resolved. And if I find out which addon is causing issues, I'll bring it up with the appropriate developer's forum(s).
