Cannot connect to my LE10 (rpi4) neither via Infrared remote not via Web or Via Android App

  • I am coming from LE 9 and rpi 3+ . I have been using it for at least 3 years and I had no problem with ethernet connection (Wired + Static IP) and infrared remote (Panasonic) Today was my first time with new hardware and new LE10.

    Instalation was fine and I could see the first steps wizard on the screen of my Panasonic TV, although I could not access to Kodi via infrared remote. I tried via web (even after enabled it) and I could not either.

    After using a mouse to enable ssh I am able to access via SSH now and SAMBA access is working fine also.

    Anyway, access via web, any android APP or infrared remote are not working at all. :S

    As information I can see my raspi STATIC IP asignation in my router. It seems all is working fine there.

    I am sorry but I should ask for helpp :D

  • Access via "web" means what? I take it you did enable the web server in Kodi and are using an IP address (not hostname) to access your LibreELEC client.

    - using Webchorus2 interface on a web browser

    - KoRe remote mobile app

    - Something else

  • Sorry if I did not explain it properly. Lets try it again:

    I enabled the web access by using the mouse attached to the rpi4 and watching the tv.

    Local IP is and I am able to connect via SSH, no problem ssh [email protected]

    I get no luck connecting via any web browser (Firefox or Chrome) using

    I get no luck using any of the KodiRemote App (KoRe Remote or Yatse). I tried adding manually by port 80.

    My Panasonic Infrared Remote does not work either.

    PD: LE 9 and rpi3+ couple was working perfect in the same LAN and same TV, just a month ago.

    Edited once, last by axpirin (September 19, 2021 at 1:55 PM).