9.2.x and below all work fine but newer is a dud

  • long time user. I've tried clean images burn with imager, etcher, and SD creator and all give same result bootscreen , black screen no signal and random reboot (rinse and repeat) .

    Pi 4 4gb works fine for raspberrian or older versions of le so not hardware issue (Though because TV is obsolete off brand I do have too play with hdmi_hotplug and ignore eid to get working fully) every other os I've thrown at it has had zero issues

    So what am I missing? :/

    Edited once, last by Hillbilly (September 18, 2021 at 8:57 PM).

  • LE10 no longer supports many of the historical config.txt hacks as the RPi Foundation developers have moved functionality away from firmware hacks into the core kernel DRM (rendering) driver. See if adding "video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080M@60" to cmdline.txt works?