Show Composite/CVBS Video-In signal on screen (using USB-Framegrabber)

  • Hello to all users of this superb community!

    I want so use Odroid-C2/LibreELEC as 4k-Media player. This is working really fine! Thanks to all involved to this!
    In addition i want to be able to watch analog composite video using a Composite Video grabber. LogiLink® USB 2.0 Audio and Video Grabber
    The right modules for the "USB-Composite grabber" are being loaded:
    if i do "ls -la" in dev i get the needed line:

    crw-rw-r--    1 root     video      81,   0 Aug 22 15:24 video0

    found this via google - but this does not work sadly (no playable file can be found)


    create a file called Video-In.strm with this content:


    and launch file via videos

    i can use this as framegrabber for hyperion with the following config - working fine!:

    but where/how to put these parameters for video playback? Video-In.strm?