How can I use HiFiBerry Dac+ with LE 10?
Thanks in advance!
How can I use HiFiBerry Dac+ with LE 10?
Thanks in advance!
Add the line dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus to config.txt, reboot and select your new device on LE's audio settings.
Thanks for the reply.
LE 10 is used on RockPi 4B+ not on RaspberryPi.
Sorry, then I don't know the target file. Do you have a /flash/overlays file?
PS: Fortunately we have Radxa Zero user among our dev's. He'll have a look...
Our research says that the HiFiBerry DAC wasn't made for your board. It's not 100% pin compatible. So there is no software implementation, too.
hello, I have a Rock pi4C+, I want to connect a HiFIi Berry to it. Is it possible to run it?
hello, I have a Rock pi4C+, I want to connect a HiFIi Berry to it. Is it possible to run it?
No. All RockPi4 models have the same pin assignment, which is not compatible to RPi4: Click!
Use an HDMI audio extractor or a USB DAC.
hello, I have a Rock pi4C+, I want to connect a HiFIi Berry to it. Is it possible to run it?
Maybe... Looks like two type of Hifi-Berry modules are supported. Don't know if the Rock-Pi version of LE contains all necessary software (dtbo). Try to get more info here: https://wiki.radxa.com/HiFiBerry and https://forum.radxa.com/t/hifiberry-on-rock-pi-4/1369/4
Interesting! To my knowledge it's possible to redirect pin functions to other pins. So that's probably what they did in the rockpi4-dtbo.
Because LE doesn't have apt-get to install rockpi4-dtbo, it's eventually present as an overlay on LE (check the folder).
So maybe you have to activate two overlays to make a HiFiBerry DAC+ work.
I gave that topic into internal team channel, but no reply. You have to experiment now.
We can provide further help when you have the DAC.