Kodi Issues Prompt Install On i-FLASH DISK K8 64GB SSD

  • I have had some issues with Kodi on a windows 10, then 11 machine so I decided to go back to LE KODI...

    Let me give the whole chain of events..

    I had KODI running on a Winblows 10 machine with nay a problem for years..

    We just got a newer model VIZIO 4K TV.. For a week or so KODI was fine... Then one day, I started watching and the audio sync was off.. By at least 20-30 seconds.. Funny thing was it was off in Windows AND in KODI..

    So, obviously it was a windows problem.. Big shock..

    So I updated to Windows 11.. It was the quickest way to get back up and running.

    And it worked fine for about a week or so.. Then the audio delay kicked back in...

    So, now I am trying to re-install LE/KODI and, when I used the created ThumbDrive boot, it says it can't see the i-FlaskDisk K8 64GB SSD that I used for LE KODI originally..

    Did LE/KODI get bigger recently where it won't fit on a 64GB boot disk??

    Any assistance would be most appreciated..

  • michale32086

    is "i-FlaskDisk K8 64GB SSD" a second disk and windows is running on another one ?

    if so you might clear that disk under windows using "diskpart":

    open an terminal with admin rights
    key in diskpart (starts diskpart)

    than all following commands step by step (read the comments in brackets !)

    - list disk ( to see all disks, USB-Disks too)
    - select disk N (please adjust "N" with the output of the previous command)
    - detail disk (to be sure you picked the right disk)
    - clean (wipes the partition table (the disk ?); "clean all" would overwrite with zero's )
    - create partition primary
    - format fs=ntfs quick (gets reformated when installing LE)
    - assign (assigns a drive letter )
    - active (makes it bootable)

    - exit

    as before:

    !!! THE DISK IS AFTERWARDS EMPTY (all data lost) !!!


    with the above you could also create windows install usb sticks (when running windows) !

    you just need to copy the content of an windows install DVD to the same usb stick after the above "exit" command.