DTOVERLAY setting in config.txt preventing Libreelec 10 RC1 from starting

  • Hello,

    I'm using a 4GB RPI4 with the official 7 inch touchscreen (in a Smartipi case). In prior test builds of LibreElec 10 with this setup, I've had to add a setting to config.txt to get the OS to recognize the touchscreen, and even then it works intermittently. That setting is the following:


    Without this setting in config.txt, the touchscreen display will not show anything in the prior LibreElec 10 test builds.

    When upgrading to LibreElec 10 RC1, I've learned that if this setting is added to config.txt, LibreElec will not load. Is there a workaround to implementing this dtoverlay setting in a way that will allow LibreElec 10 RC1 to load properly?


  • I tried the above build. With this version, if dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-7inch is added to config.txt, there's no display, and LibreElec doesn't start up (verified by not being able to ping the device nor access the device's shared network folders). Also, if the above dtoverlay command is removed from config.txt, there too is no display, but LibreElec does start up (verified by being able to ping the device and being able to access the device's shared network folders).

  • I just tried this build also. Same symptoms as with the prior test build. If dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-7inch is added to config.txt, no display, and no start up of LibreElec (can't ping the device nor access the device's shared network folders). If the above dtoverlay command is removed from config.txt, no display, but LibreElec does start up (device can be pinged and the shared network folders can be accessed). One other thing as well because I don't know if this might have any relevance. Earlier in the thread, another thread was referenced, and I looked at recent changes in the other referenced thread. It made mention of a command added in config.txt in the bullseye version of Raspberry Pi OS. That command is display_auto_detect=1. It mentions that for that OS, if this command is active in config.txt, the firmware would automatically check for the official 7" display and, if detected, automatically load the vc4-kms-dsi-7inch overlay. I tried adding that command in place of the above dtoverlay command in config.txt for these two test builds of LibreElec just to see what would happen. No display, and LibreElec doesn't start up (can't ping the device nor access the device's shared network folders).

  • Thanks for testing!

    The main problem with the DSI drivers is that the kernel ends up in an endless probe loop if something is wrong (eg a driver missing or not initializing) without telling you what failed - several drivers just silently pass on errors without logging anything so there's no chance of finding out which of the sub-sub-sub components are missing or failing to initialize.

    I get the same lockup (endless probe/bind loop) here with the 7inch dtoverlay loaded. I don't have the display, so I'd expect things to fail, but not as badly as they do (unable to complete kernel boot) and tons of meaningless errors on the serial console.

    At the moment I'm at a complete loss, I think I have all the required dependencies enabled and no idea what else might be missing.

    so long,


  • I just tried the new test build. Much, much better! The 7" display works on each startup.

    FYI, these are the two settings I've had in my config.txt file (already positioned after "include distroconfig.txt")....



    Also, the display works on each startup regardless of whether or not ignore_lcd=1 is included in config.txt.

    Thank you so much for all your help!

  • Thanks a lot for testing, it's great this is working now - this was a tough puzzle to solve :)

    We'll include the necessary config changes in LE so future LE versions will support the official 7inch display.

    so long,


  • Thanks a lot for testing, it's great this is working now - this was a tough puzzle to solve :)

    We'll include the necessary config changes in LE so future LE versions will support the official 7inch display.

    so long,



    Do you know when necessary config changes will be integrated in LibreELEC?

    I just downloaded the lastest stable version but the display locks on a greyish splash screen.

    Or do I need to make some changes to the config.txt file?

  • Hi, I'm facing the same issue descibed above. I tried the latest stable (display not working) and the latest nightly (display not working). If I copy the files from the tar to the sd card, it says operating system not found. I'm not able to flash it. It would be great to see your improvments implemented in the official build. Thanks

  • The changes are included in nightly builds for a while now so it should work - but keep in mind we can't test it as we don't have the necessary hardware.

    So if it doesn't work please do a clean install of latest nightly first and post details (logs, etc).

    Feedback if it works with latest nightly would be good, too :)

    so long,


  • Hi, thanks for the quick answer. I got a little further, however it's not working yet.

    My hardware:

    - Raspberry Pi 4 2GB

    - official Raspberry Pi 3 7" Touchscreen Display

    - 5 V 3A power supply through the display

    - HDMI Monitor with Micro HDMI to HDMI cable

    - Plugged in network cable

    - wireless USB keyboard

    What I tried:

    With the latest nighty build (20211220):

    1. Old install, standard config, hdmi: Touchscreen pulsing grey, hdmi showing splash screen then dying

    2. Fresh install, standard config, hdmi: Both screens show rainbow, partition resizing, restart, both screens show rainbow, hdmi dying, touchscreen pulsing grey.

    3. Edit to 2.: edited config dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-7inch: Both hdmi and touchscreen showing rainbows, hdmi dying, libreelec splash screen (showing version) on touchscreen, no further boot

    4. Edit to 3: With ignore_lcd=1: No rainbows, hdmi dying, touchscreen stuck on splash screen as in 3

    5. Fresh install, config with dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-7inch: ignore_lcd=1: no rainbows, resizing, restart, short rainbow on on hdmi, both showing libreelec splash screen, hdmi dying, libreelec splash screen stays on touchscreen as in 3.

    6. Edit to 5: Config with dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-7inch, dtparam=audio=on, hdmi not inserted: : Rainbow, boot, touchscreen is working, no touch. After restart: stuck on splash screen as in 3.

    7. Tried to reproduce, fresh install with no hdmi, dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-7inch, dtparam=audio=on: Rainbow, resize, reboot, rainbow, stuck on splash screen.

    I don't know what I did right in 6 but I don't manage to reproduce it even when I involve step 5.

    To sum it up: The screen itself is working, but the boot is stuck almost every time on the splash screen (Libreelec version screen).

    Please let me know if can be any help in working it out.

    My config when edited:

    I tried OSMC as well and it has a similar problem. Even if the Screen is working out of the box on the first startup it gets grey later on. I can access the system via HDMI but I can't switch to Touchscreen. With dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-7inch and dtparam=audio=on no screen is working anymore. Ubuntu server is working out of the box (screen, don't know how to test touch here), Ubuntu Desktop ist not working (grey screen) and raspberry pi os is working after adding dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dsi-7inch and ignore_lcd=1 to the config (touch seems to be locked there - can perform one touch and nothing more - maybe a screen issue?).

    Edited 4 times, last by malorter (December 22, 2021 at 10:25 PM).

  • Since I suspected my touchscreen of a physical malfunction I called my retailer and he told me about known issues after a major update for Raspberry Pi 4. So touch is supposed to be not working on any system at the moment however the screen preventing Libreelec from booting seems to stay a specific problem with Libreelec and Raspberry Pi 4. I could "solve" this by disabling the kms driver in Rapberry Pi OS.

    Edited 2 times, last by malorter (December 23, 2021 at 9:19 PM).