9.97.1 RPi4 Ethernet Issue

  • I have a stock RPi4 with latest RC1 (Also saw issue on Beta 5) and I cannot get Wired to connect automatically.

    If I select the connection and "connect" it connects and works fine.

    If I edit the connection, enable "Connect Automatically" and save, I go to check the setting and it is disabled again.

    Am I missing something? This is a new RPi4 and has only had RC1 and Beta5 installed, both with same issue.


  • No difference. This is a static IP so I would not expect a delay from the DHCP.

    Also have several RPi3 that connect without issue using a 5sec delay.

    The part that bothers me is the "Connect Automatically" option will not stay enabled pointing me at a setting somewhere that is not allowing that to remain enabled.


  • Your advancedsettings.xml triggers a database connection timeout. Remove this config file or fix your MySQL server.

    2021-02-02 09:30:01.102 T:1103    ERROR <general>: Unable to open database: MyMusic82 [2002](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (101))
    2021-02-02 09:30:01.107 T:1103    ERROR <general>: Unable to open database: MyVideos119 [2002](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (101))
  • I removed the advancedsettings file and used a local DB, however the problem remains.

    I believe the connection the the DB error is caused by the wired connection being unable to start automatically.

    Looking through the log this line stands out:

    2021-02-02 09:30:02.887 T:1093  WARNING <general>: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"

    Is is possible that this or another settings file that contains the "Connect automatically" setting is not writable and hence wired network remains manual connect only? Is there details on where that setting is located in the settings files?


  • I found a way to fix it, but it does not answer why it cannot be fixed in the gui.

    I found a settings file in connman:

    it shows what I saw in the gui, AutoConnect=false. Changing that to AutoConnect=true and rebooting caused the network to connect with no issues and both the external DB and media is working as expected.

    I did notice the permissions are restrictive on the file, but that should not cause this issue. Is there something specific to my system that caused this or is this an error in the code?

    Tyr:~/.cache/connman/ethernet_e45f0101f147_cable # ls -ahl
    total 3K
    drwx------    2 root     root        1.0K Feb  2 09:40 .
    drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root        1.0K Feb  2 09:32 ..
    -rw-------    1 root     root         325 Feb  2 09:40 settings


  • Are you sure you've been stored your GUI setting correctly?

    1. go to Settings -> LibreELEC -> Connections -> Wired -> Edit -> Connection -> Connect Automatically
    2. switch this setting on
    3. move to the right on your remote to focus on the "Save" button
    4. press "OK" on your remote

    This is exactly what I did, many, many times to make sure.

    Always good to double check.
