MEcool KII Pro s905d 2gb version, dead bricked, Purchase in 2020, Help Required

  • However, these commands are no longer necessary. I've already sent you another bootloader.

    Now install dtb as already described. Then install aml_upgrade_package.img.

    Edited once, last by bumerc (October 2, 2021 at 2:27 PM).

  • Please review and approve as i understand below steps to install image......

    Method 1 Steps to install stock android 7.1.2 image


    1 Prepare boot SD Card with new

    2 copy u-boot.bin

    3 Copy stock _aml_dtb.partition on sd card

    4 copy repacked stock android image, 02 nos files replaced (bootloader.PARTITION = u-boot.bin , aml_sdc_burn.UBOOT = )

    Installation 1st Method

    5 Insert SD card in Box

    6 boot from Sd card by pin shorting Method pin 29 and 30.

    7 abort auto boot by pressing space key

    8 Run Commands

    CMD A

    store disprotect key

    store init 3

    CMD B

    fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} u-boot.bin

    store rom_write ${loadaddr} 0 100000

    CMD C

    fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} _aml_dtb.partition

    store dtb write ${loadaddr}

    CMD D

    run update

    Method 2 -- 2nd method (copy all partitions), if method 1 fails....


    1 Prepare boot SD Card with new

    2 copy u-boot.bin

    3 Copy stock _aml_dtb.partition on sd card

    4 copy all partitions of stock android image with 02 nos files replaced (bootloader.PARTITION = u-boot.bin , aml_sdc_burn.UBOOT =

    Installation 2nd Method

    5 Insert SD card in Box

    6 boot from Sd card by pin shorting Method pin 29 and 30.

    7 abort auto boot by pressing space key

    8 Run Commands

    CMD A

    store disprotect key

    store init 3

    CMD B

    fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} u-boot.bin

    store rom_write ${loadaddr} 0 100000

    CMD C

    fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} _aml_dtb.partition

    store dtb write ${loadaddr}

    CMD D


    CMD E

    sdc_update _aml_dtb _aml_dtb.PARTITION normal

    sdc_update boot boot.PARTITION normal

    sdc_update recovery recovery.PARTITION normal

    sdc_update logo logo.PARTITIO normal

    sdc_update bootloader bootloader.PARTITION normal

    sdc_update system system.PARTITION sparse

    CMD F

    defenv_reserv -a



    Edited once, last by s4shail: Merged a post created by s4shail into this post. (October 4, 2021 at 10:51 AM).

  • Method 1 Steps to install stock android 7.1.2 image

    No. Repeated unnecessarily.

    1. Write aml_upgrade_package.img on the mSD card with Amlogic Burn Card Maker.

    2. Copy _aml_dtb.PARTITION to the FAT partition of the mSD card and rename the * .ini file to * .ini.bak.

    3. Start the TV Box from this mSD card and write the * .dtb.PARTITION on eMMC.

    4. Remove the mSD card and rename the * .ini.bak to * .ini again.

    5. Now start sd card upgrade.

    P.S. In your case, the vendor uses the misc partition, which contains certain key signatures for certain applications. A manual installation of individual partitions does not help you, as the misc partition also has to be installed. Otherwise the stock fw will not run.

  • above Method fallowed

    WiFi Bluetooth still not working

    error system UI has stopped is flashing on screen again and again....


    In my observation, system UI stopped error comes when,

    "system first time initialization of app" not come on android first boot..

  • s4shail

    avc: denied { write } for pid=4700 comm="ndroid.systemui" name="property_service" dev="tmpfs" ino=8243 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:property_socket:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0

    Sys UI

    Try to create a new rule for property_socket in sepolicy, allow write access to the sock_file:

    (allow platform_app property_socket (sock_file (open write)))

    and recompile sepolicy..


    [  111.636750@1] dhdsdio_download_code_file: Open firmware file failed /etc/wifi/4335/fw_bcm43455c0_ag.bin
    [  111.649276@1] _dhdsdio_download_firmware: dongle image file download failed

    Check that the /etc/wifi/4335/ directory contains the correct fw -> fw_bcm43455c0_ag.bin

  • checked

    files exists on path









    4355 folder

    6255 folder







  • Please can you help me ?I have the same problem. Can you please share your repacked img for usb burn tool

  • KII PRO Hybrid STB


    is there someone from "DACH" or nearby Europe who can bring my bricked device back to life?

    I tried a firmware update. A logo or image appeared on the screen for a very short time. I couldn't see what it was. It was just a flash.

    From then on the device was completely dead. And hasn't done anything since. I have read all the tips here. But that's technically too high for me. And I would like to have someone do it who understands something about it and has already done it.

    ist hier jemand aus "DACH" oder dem nahen Europa, der mir mein gebricktes Gerät wieder zum Leben erwecken kann?

    Ich hatte ein Firmwareupdate versucht. Es kam ganz kurz ein Logo oder Bildchen auf dem Bildschirm. Was es war, konnte ich nicht erkennen. Es war nur ein Aufblitzen.

    Ab dann war das Gerät komplett tot. Und tut seitdem nichts mehr. Die ganzen Tipps hier habe ich zwar gelesen. Aber das ist mir technisch zu hoch. Und ich würde das gerne jemanden machen lassen, der davon was versteht und schon gemacht hat.

  • Hello everyone, can i ask for new links for u-boot.ini and custom rom and further of assistance, my device is about checked with uart kit, error and log file is absolutely the same, so i need to boot device from micro sd card, really loved this device, need to unbrick, any help will be glad full.