Playing a video in Netflix makes LE 9.95.6 to crash on Pine64 ROCKPro64

  • Hello,

    I updated LE from 9.2.6 to 9.95.4 on Pine64 ROCKPro64 in order to be able to play Netflix video again.


    LE 9.2 and LE10 fix for widevine – LibreELEC

    I added the file with the exported lib and reboot.

    I soon as I play a video in netflix, Kodi crashes and cannot be started again

    Jun 12 20:26:15 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Started Kodi Media Center.

    Jun 12 20:26:59 LibreELEC[907]: Illegal instruction (core dumped)

    I need to reboot the ROCKPro64.

    Netflix addon version: v1.16.0+matrix.1

    See log



  • That Netflix workaround was removed in latest LE since it was unstable and caused crashes.

    There is no way to play Netflix smoothly now, have to wait for a LE update.

    Strange thing is with latest nightly LE, I can use other addons with the latest Widevine and they play fine except Netflix that says ' This content is not available for immediate playback'.

  • Hello,

    read here ...

    June 13, 2021 at 6:05 AM

    I can use with my T95Mini (is not a Rockchip) normal with the old one widewine addon! (Netflix and CO.) Try and give feedback!

  • I updated LE from 9.2.6 to 9.95.4 on Pine64 ROCKPro64 in order to be able to play Netflix video again.

    There was an issue with required patches weren't applied for a lot devices. Its fixed in latest nightlies (no old widevine required): Index of /. Don't upgrade if you're still on 9.2.x - do a fresh install.