I'm trying to mount an NFS share on /storage/NFS on a Pi 4 running LibreELEC 9.2.6. I've made a storage-NFS.mount file following the template, and it works great when I run systemctl start storage-NFS.mount. However, even after running systemctl enable storage-NFS.mount and making sure the symlink is created in multi-user.target.wants, it won't work at boot. I've tried with and without the network-online.service parts, as suggested in this thread. I've even put it in /storage/.config/autostart.sh, which is chmod +x and works when I run it manually, but won't run (or can't get network) at boot, despite adding a delay as suggested on the wiki here and even after adding a while loop that greps ifconfig to make sure the Ethernet interface is up.
I have no problems mounting NFS on boot with any other distro, or dealing with systemd, but this just isn't working and I'm stumped. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Description=nfs mount script
Requires=network-online.service # Behaves the same with
After=network-online.service # or without these two lines
WantedBy=network-online.target # I've tried switching
WantedBy=multi-user.target # between both of these
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