With hardware accel. on, some HEVC files slow to start, play audio only. LE 9.95.4

  • Some HEVC files are very slow to start and play audio only. With Hardware accel turned off these files play normally. In addition, the same files play without error on Windows Kodi 19.1 and OSMC K19 testing builds with Hardware acceleration "On".

    Debug log: http://ix.io/3poo

    File MediaInfo: The Bad Batch - S01E04 - MediaInfo.txt

    Thanks in advance...

    Edited 4 times, last by whysoserious: Edit: The paste log site seems to be wonky at the moment, I'll try again tomorrow to paste logs. :-( Edit 2: Nevermind, I'm an idiot, the link works now. (June 9, 2021 at 10:00 PM).