kicked myself out of the play

  • Hi,

    after successful built of image, I started customization.

    I found the subdir image in build-directory which contained the files of the future mediabox, so I changed the files, I wanted to be different.

    When I was done, I issued a "make image" thinking, that if everything is built already, the image would just be compressed into the final image file.

    ... but instead the image directory was cleared and all files where generated from scratch - and all my changes have been smoked :(

    Is there a way to build the image-file from a modified image tree?

  • the image is generated everytime from the the built packages. If you need to change the actually image you need to do so by modifying the packages.

    However, it's not exactly clear which files you decided to change as we do hash the packages so if you make modifications to the packages themselves then they are rebuilt automatically.

  • If you edit source files in the "build.LibreELEC.." folder(s) the next time you respin the build the changes will not be used (as we already built the package and nothing in the or related folders changed) and if you trigger a change by updating something in package folders and respin the build, we remove the existing unpacked sources in the build folders, then unpack and apply any diff patches, and rebuild the package. If you want to modify a package, you need to provide your changes as a diff patch against the original source that we use. Patches can live in numerous locations, but typically in a "patches" subdir of the package folder.

  • Ok, using patches seem to work. I changed config-file of udevil, but then udevil does not work any more. Have to do some research about udevil and the related stuff ...

    Then I searched a lot about python and python packages. I thought, the most versatile tweak would be installing pip - then I could install any required python package.

    But none of the recommended install methods works.

    I tried

    python3 -m ensurepip

    as well as


    both fail in the same way.

    I read that python3 version 3.4 and above ships with pip already included.

    But this seems not be true for libreElec.

    Is libreElec patched, so that python can't be extended, or what am I doing wrong?

    How could I install additional python packages?

  • Is libreElec patched, so that python can't be extended, or what am I doing wrong?

    How could I install additional python packages?

    You have to add each python package to the build system. You cannot use pip.

    Here is the directory of all python related packages, you can see how each package is defined and built: at master · LibreELEC/ · GitHub