Smart Playlists (music) show up empty - NFS access on file level works fine

  • Hello and a great Saturday morning!

    The problem occuring with the version 9.2.6 is described in the thread title. There's no issue playing the music by diving into the folders. I tried different operators (startswith, is...)

    While I suspect it has something to do with my library configuration, I am uncertain what more I can do other than include the folder in sources.xml and update the music library each start. Well, since I'm out of ideas, I'd be very happy if someone could point into a direction where to investigate further.

    This is a sample xsp:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    <smartplaylist type="songs">
        <rule field="path" operator="is">

    Thanks, guys!