VDR PVR Backend missing for RPi2/3

  • Hi guys,

    does anyone know what the deal is with the VDR PVR backend for the RPI2/3 (version 7.0.2)? It does not appear in the list of installabble services, which is really bad, since all my devices use that. I have it up and running on Wetek-boxes, so I am wondering why it does not seem to be available for the RPi? :@

    On the Weteks, coming from OpenELEC, I was able to simply update the add-ons that had been there before. On the RPi, this did not work with the VDR backend and now I am left with nothing (please do not tell me to have a look at tvheadend; I am familiar with VDR and just love the LIVE interface, so tvheadend is not an option for me).



  • Code
    <addon id="service.multimedia.vdr-addon" name="VDR PVR Backend" version="7.0.102" provider-name="libreelec.tv"><requires><import addon="os.libreelec.tv" version="7.0"/><import addon="xbmc.python" version="2.1.0"/><import addon="pvr.vdr.vnsi" version="0.0.0"/><import addon="script.config.vdr" version="0.0.0"/></requires><extension point="xbmc.service" library="default.py"><provides/></extension><extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata"><summary>VDR: a TV streaming server for Linux</summary><description>VDR (2.2.0) is a TV streaming server for Linux supporting DVB-S/S2, DVB-C, DVB-T/T2, IPTV and SAT>IP</description><disclaimer></disclaimer><platform>all</platform></extension></addon>

    This is information from addons.xml on our webserver, showing service.multimedia.vdr-addon exists. Perhaps enable debug logging and see if there are errors being logged. Make sure you don't have old OE config causing problems.

  • First, thanks for your reply. I did what you suggested just now. I still do not see the add-on. Here is some output from the debug log:

    So, I guess this means that there is nothing to report about the pvr (the respective search in the log file returns nothing). Or is there something else I could be looking for?

  • and please use "cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log | pate" so we don't have to suffer reading logs copy/pasted into forum posts.

    Ok, so did that (with paste instead of pate) and got this link. Does that tell you anything?

    EDIT: Anyway, thanks for your help, but this is not really worth pursuing any further. I did a fresh install on another SD card and there everything is ok. Since it takes me at most ten minutes to get everything set up the way I want it from a fresh install, this is much more economical regarding time.

    Edited once, last by chessplayer (November 10, 2016 at 11:40 PM).

  • Theory: I think you disabled "parent folder items" in Kodi GUI navigation and somehow you're being dropped into the "Services" folder in our repo (which doesn't have the PVR stuff in it) when you need to go back up a level to the root of our repo and then and into the PVR clients folder where pvr.hts can be found.

    If he is looking for the vdr backend it should be in services

  • If he is looking for the vdr backend it should be in services

    exactly, but, as I said, while the situation is strange, it is not really worth pursuing. The only thing I would still like to add is that an update of the wetek-play with openELEC (now libreELEC) on sd card worked flawlessly. There, I had a strange behavior after the NAND install, but that was also easily solved.

    Anyway, thanks guys for spending the time to look into this.