[RPi] No Audio on 3,5mm Jack

  • I have a similar problem with the lack of 3.5 jack audio output in the interface, I will be very grateful to the developers if in the next version they leave his choice.

    i have rpi4 4gb

    Edited once, last by msazanov (July 7, 2021 at 1:44 PM).

  • Doesn't anyone have an idea, not even the developer?

    Ah, this seems to be a quirk in the firmware handling/parsing of dt parameters - the dtoverlay scope of vc3-kms-v3d, which is loaded in distroconfig.txt on RPi2/3, seems to persist after the include in config.txt so the audio parameter applies to the overlay.

    The solution is quite simple, clear the overlay scope with "dtoverlay=" or move the dtparam=audio=on statement up, before the include distroconfig.txt.



    so long,


  • Ah, this seems to be a quirk in the firmware handling/parsing of dt parameters - the dtoverlay scope of vc3-kms-v3d, which is loaded in distroconfig.txt on RPi2/3, seems to persist after the include in config.txt so the audio parameter applies to the overlay.

    The solution is quite simple, clear the overlay scope with "dtoverlay=" or move the dtparam=audio=on statement up, before the include distroconfig.txt.



    so long,


    I have some hearing problems, I would very much appreciate if the latest version acts just like 9.2.6. so that it supports hdmi+analogue. My family gets to listen on the speakers and I get to listen at the same time on the headphones. This works perfectly. I tried the fixed suggested but does not work still crackles like crazy.

  • Hello everyone,

    Newly updated to Libreelec 10, the option HDMI/Jack output (simultaneously) on Raspberry pi is gone,

    I could add this line in Config.txt dtparam=audio=on which works but I have to manually switch back every time. What line should I add in the config page in order to make this work?

    Thank you.

  • Simultaneous audio output to HDMI and analog is no longer possible (without some severe tinkering and drawbacks).

    Use the Audio Profiles addon from the kodi repository to easily switch audio output (eg with a button on your remote). See here for more info Add-on:Audio Profiles - Official Kodi Wiki

    so long,


    Thanks, I'll try that. Update 9/4/21 This addon is not working.

    Edited once, last by Sardonic (September 4, 2021 at 6:50 PM).

  • Ah, this seems to be a quirk in the firmware handling/parsing of dt parameters - the dtoverlay scope of vc3-kms-v3d, which is loaded in distroconfig.txt on RPi2/3, seems to persist after the include in config.txt so the audio parameter applies to the overlay.

    The solution is quite simple, clear the overlay scope with "dtoverlay=" or move the dtparam=audio=on statement up, before the include distroconfig.txt.



    so long,



    But why we have a bad sound qualiti !!?

  • The analog audio output quality on the Raspberry Pi has been mediocre from day 1 with the RPi 1B, and that has never really been improved. Perhaps some external "digital2analog" audio board can help out. I'm not an audio guru myself.

    The audio was not perfect on "Leia"18.9 but it is more than acceptable !

    I opted for Raspberry Pi 4 precisely for the jack plug which does not exist on the TV Boxes


  • Simultaneous audio output to HDMI and analog is no longer possible (without some severe tinkering and drawbacks).


    Could you please elaborate on both the tinkering process and the drawbacks?

    Simulateneous output was great for me with previous version, I'd like to do it again! My pulseaudio skills are limited but I guess that is the way, right?


  • Could you please elaborate on both the tinkering process and the drawbacks?

    Simulateneous output was great for me with previous version, I'd like to do it again! My pulseaudio skills are limited but I guess that is the way, right?

    I've never tried it myself but IIRC there were forum posts from others who did that and reported that audio was significantly delayed. The search function should help you find the posts.

    so long,


  • The simple solution in most cases was to use a cheap audio HAT or USB audio adapter instead.

    I have ordered an adapter since a HAT does not fit into the DeskPi box. It will arrive next week.

    What do I need to do to make it work? I see only ALSA HDMI and PULSE BT devices installed...