Intel NUC 8i5BEH - HDMI Sound problem

  • Hi folks,

    I have following setup.

    - New Intel Nuc Bi5BEH, manufactured 2020

    connected with HDMI Cable (same I used since years with my former Asus Chrombox) directly to an older

    - Philips TV LED 40PFG5000/77

    - Libreelec 9.2.6 Generic x86_64

    I only have sound when I configure:

    - Audio output Device: ALSA HDA Intel PCH, HDMI #1 (or any other available)


    - Audio Passthrough: ALSA HDMI Intel PCH, PHL PHILIPS FTV on DisplayPort #0

    Oficial Netflix addon working fine, also movies from an external hard drive, but I have NO GUI sounds neither sound with the official YouTube addon.

    Any idea what has to be done? My former very old Asus Chrombox with Libreelec worked just fine with the same TV without passthrough.



  • Thanks for your answer. I will check your suggested setting later at home.

    My question is why sounds like GUI sounds are not playing. Also when I remember well: When libreelec starts up it plays a sound, also some skins like Zephyr, but not in my case.

    YouTube addon has also no sound, checked everything.

    Libreelec Problem?


  • Q.: should "Nuc Bi5BEH" read "Nuc 8i5BEH" ?

    if so:

    i'm running an 8i3BEH (also a "Bean Canyon" with lower CPU) and my sound is routed through an Philips Monitor (not an TV Monitor, Typ: see photo)) via HDMI and further to an 2.1 speaker system via headphone out (Monitor)

    I haven't had any problems you described nor with LE 9.2.6 neither nightly.

    attaching photo (sound setting in LE, Bios sound settings)

    - edit -

    I guess Da Flex means with "EFI settings" the Bios Settings (?!)

    hit F2-Key during start of the NUC

  • Joe Bar

    just attached like you a speaker system via 3.5 mm audio out to my TV and the GUI sound etc are playing through those speakers only.

    So why the hack can't I hear them through the TV speakers?

    I noticed something.

    I detached the speaker set during watching a movie. For some reason the GUI sound kept playing when browsing the Kodi GUI (switched to the GUI while video was playing in the background) through the TV speaker until I ended watching the movie.


    P. S.

    If I stay with the external speaker solution, i need an active speakers system with remote as I can't control their volume with the TV control. Also the sound is analog which can result into a transmission delay (it's slower than the digital) and sync problems between the video and audio. But shouldn't be a big problem.

    Edited 3 times, last by Thomas_AR (March 11, 2021 at 5:58 AM).

  • Need Windows installed on my NUC to update HDMI? What... 😂

    Oh my god.


    it seems wise to install the intel driver's for the NUC under windows (at least chipset, graphic), too.

    a somehow damaged flash could lead to an damage LSPCON (see photo).

    I wouldn't risk it !

    a link for windows 10 iso:

    c't-Notfall-Windows 2021 | c't Magazin

    I mean I did an full featured window 10 install on an USB-Stick.

    - I'll check that the next hours after an doc date this afternoon, stay tuned ... -

  • yes, but wait some hours, I'll check that.

    what I know for sure:

    You're able to install drivers under an from a USB running windows 10 ( Win 7 wasn't able to do that !)


    do you got a 2cd box with windows around or an linux to install VBox on it ?


    - get the 64 bit Windows from the heise site

    - get the driver bundle from the intel site (only 64 bit driver)

    - get the HDMI flash tool from the intel site (it's not in the bundle)

  • sh*t.

    in comment #13 I provided a link to an german Win10 ISO.

    what is your native language or more accurate: are you able to read/understand german ?


    the link to heise site also provides an environment to build an WinPE.

    moons ago I fetched that and build an WinPE (~1.5 GB), but in 32 bit and german only.

    I guess the 64 bit driver from Intel might not install there, so I need to build an 64 bit WinPE.

    so I tried an PE laying around (hbcd_pe), but after an test with an hbcd_pe_x64, I must realize that that didn't work.

    Intel driver install run into error, cause - I guess - .net seem not included in hbcd or maybe something else ...

    "surprises sponsored by MS" ?!


    there are few options I currently see:

    1. (work expensive to me, but ...)

    - I get an english Win 10 64 bit

    - I build an WinPE from that with .net included

    - I test if Intel driver install in that WinPE (result might NOT be satisfying)

    - I upload that WinPE, where you could fetch it

    - you need an Windows PC (friend ?, ...) to bring the WinPE.iso on an usb stick (~8 GB size) or - unusual these days - an DVD

    2. you make an backup of your current LE and save it offline OR you get an spare 2.5" Disk/SSD

    - to install an Intel-driver-featured Win10 64 bit

    - update HDMI in an safe way

    - re-install LE and restore the backup

    3. (risky)

    - HDMI flash under the hbcd_pe (as is, means few/no (?) Intel drivers)

    Hiren's BootCD PE

    ~1.5 GB

    *I* tend to option 2.:

    - cause less work for me :cool: -

    - cause it's the safest way !

    - cause an running usb on *my* box doesn't necessarily mean it will run on *your* box too (see above "surprises" and is this case: "... by Intel and MS")

    - and cause I guess you got an SSD in your NUC.

    Right ?

    If so, you are able to secure erase your SSD too (to bring it to nearly maiden speed again, if it was running some moons).

    And most secure erase tools run on windows only, too.

    secure erase also means an - hopefully [*] - empty/clean disk ...

    to me, that task is triggered, when an fresh/clean install with an shiny new LE 10 is released and the SSD was in use for 6 or 12 month.

    currently I'm thinking to do option 2 in the next days here too and switch - after HDMI update, secure erase - to LE nightly...


    AFAIK, it's not clear if secure erase cleans really all data blocks on an/every SSD.

    Edited 5 times, last by GDPR-7 (March 11, 2021 at 5:13 PM).

  • Well it seams that option TWO is the best choice. Also setting up LE again is not a big deal.

    So I think I go with that. Installing WIN10 on a NUC shouldn't be a big problem. Well we never know.

    Let's download Win10 64 bit.

    Any tips regarding Win + NUC?


    Any other updates I should do apart from HDMI?


    P. S. Native German, plus English and Spanish. Living in the moment in Buenos Aires.

    Edited 2 times, last by Thomas_AR (March 11, 2021 at 5:26 PM).