Wrong libreelec resolution

  • Hi, I today I opened my libreelec and it show thr picture that I have attached(as you can see the size of the kodi gui is too small) but when I change it to 1080p it works fine (I am using the 26/02/2021 nightly) and I have a raspbery pi 4b 8gb ram model ) this size displayes only when I have it on 2160p and before 30 minutes it worked fine but a reboot Triggered this issue , what can I do? Thank you for your time (for some reason it doesn't let me to upload the file) but the size of libreelec gui is thr 1/4 of the screen and it stuck up left of my screen (I must note that my tv supports 4k and I was always using the libreelec on 4k with no problems)