My rclone mount .service file

  • Hi!

    I just wanna share my .service file for mount a driver of rclone, because is always help for someone that starting.

    I'm not an expert, so somethings that I'm using here maybe be a placebo. If you know more please share some thoughts about.

    I'm using this to play files of google drive, without problem, in a raspberry pi 3b with LibreELEC 9.2.6 version.

    You can find help about instalation of rclone here: RE: [Solved] Rclone and encryption

    To create this you have to access LIbreELEC by ssh.

    Use this command to create a file in the proper folder (the name of file I choose is "gdrive"):

    nano /storage/.config/system.d/gdrive.service 

    put this text inside:

    Ctrl+x to save and y to confirm

    Now run systemctl enable gdrive.service to enable the service and systemctl start gdrive.service to start it

    Hope help!