Location of Skin Backup File?

  • Hi,

    I'm using the skin Phenomenal on a R Pi4

    I'm not sure if this question is skin specific or if it is the same for every skin... In settings I can select 'Backup skin settings inc. menus', I select that and I get a message saying backup successful but I cannot locate where the backup file has been saved to.

    Any ideas please?

  • On the Kodi forum there seems to be no longer full support for the Phenomenal skin after Kodi v17...

    So I'm not sure how/if things still work in Kodi 18 or 19 on your RPi4 setup.

    I would start in the addon_settings folder and find the skin.phenonemal subfolder and go from there.

    Perhaps you can enter your custom folder in the skin's settings file.

  • Everything works fine in Kodi 18 on the Pi4

    Are you saying that the location of the backup file is skin specific? I would have thought it would put it somewhere a bit more obvious rather than saving it in a hidden folder.