Legacy v9.2 (LTS) builds for Amlogic S805/S8X2, S905/S912 and all WeTek boxes

  • I have another question: I have a S912 box (Generic H96Pro 2GB/16GB) that has a problem with the shutdown process: Basically it doesn't work as the machine simply restarts instead of powering off. In Android there's no such problem.

    As I have seen in the first round, this is a common problem with this box:

    January 24, 2018 at 8:54 PM

    Of course, I didn't look into it enough, I didn't really have much time for anything yet...

  • I've read through the linked thread, but to me it seems to be a different problem: Those devices can't be turned on with the remote, while mine won't stay powered down.

    But I guess the problem is also caused by a faulty u-boot, so I'd like to test the one created by Portish:

    But it has been deleted from github :(

    Where can I find a copy of: u-boot_q201_v2.2_green_pcb.tar.gz?

  • I just thought I would post this here for someone who may come across this in the future. Any project like this I do, I will generally write down instructions as to what I did, along with any needed files, software, extra information, etc. Archive it all, and upload. Just in case something goes 404 some day, or some file cannot be found. Dual purpose for myself should I lose my archive.

    Link contains the steps I took to flash my Black MXQ S805 512mb to LibreElec v9.2.8.11 along with the files needed. I was doing some in-house cleanup, realized I lost this archive, and needed it again. I found my original write-up had some errors that I corrected and re-uploaded with a revised archive.


  • iam5

    Thank you for your description. However, a small improvement was made in the last version. In the second half of November, I published v9.2.8.12, which includes a new Generic_S805 image.

    Although this may cause problems for some older bootloaders, that's why I also published the classic HD18Q and m201d images.

    If you are trying the Generic_S805 image and the bootloader of your box supports multi-dtb loading, you do not need to choose which box is yours, the bootloader will do it instead of you. In addition, the configuration of both remote controls can be found in this image.

    So, for a new installation, I recommend that trying the Generic_S805 image as the first attempt.

  • Hi i have been running Kazaq since 2018 and have been very happy with it

    Stable works well etc thats running off the internal 32gb emmc

    I have tried newer builds once in a while but have never been fully happy with them in one way or another

    Anyway i have done a fresh install of on a microsd card to test it

    It seems to be a solid build worthy of replacing the Kazaq build

    apart from one issue im not sure you are aware of

    On Amlogic Meson GXM (S912) (gxm_q200_3g) H96 Pro+ atleast

    When scanning TV Shows it scans the folder's and adds the images for the folders

    but never scans the files in the folders

    when you go into the addons there is a typo on the TV Shows addon which is suspect is what's causing the problem

    i think maybe people who have updated to this build instead of going straight to this build may not get this problem

    See image atached

    I have installed metadata.tvdb.com-3.3.0 and that is working fine (What i used on Kazaq

  • I dont know if you do requests

    but if you do can i request that the cec popup's are suppressed

    unless its an error

    Whilst looking how i can disable it on every boot i ran into coreelec added a patch to suppress them unless there's an error

    so you could most prob see what they did

    I have moved both of my boxes to this buid as it seems solid and did installtointernal on both which went fine

    H96 PRO+ 3GB 32GB CZ-S32-v2.2 gxm_q200_3g.dtb (Fixed bootloader to power back up from libreelec)

    MXQ Pro 4K 1GB 8GB MXQ-S905-D16 v:1.0 Blue PCB hugsun factory firmware

    gxbb_p201.dtb (Fixed bootloader to power back up from libreelec)

    Edited 2 times, last by Shonk (December 28, 2023 at 5:45 PM).

  • Sorry for the late answer...

    When scanning TV Shows it scans the folder's and adds the images for the folders but never scans the files in the folders

    when you go into the addons there is a typo on the TV Shows addon which is suspect is what's causing the problem

    i think maybe people who have updated to this build instead of going straight to this build may not get this problem

    See image atached

    I have installed metadata.tvdb.com-3.3.0 and that is working fine (What i used on Kazaq

    This is not a LibreELEC specific issue, but there might be some confusion in the Kodi repo, I will try to find it and report it on GitHub to the Kodi devs.

    Until then, you can access the latest version for Leia here: https://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/leia/metadata.tvdb.com/

    I dont know if you do requests but if you do can i request that the cec popup's are suppressed unless its an error

    Whilst looking how i can disable it on every boot i ran into coreelec added a patch to suppress them unless there's an error so you could most prob see what they did

    I would need a little more detailed information than that, because I don't know exactly what you mean by that.

  • Shonk

    The answer came sooner than I thought:

    In newer Kodi versions, they have been replaced with the following, which no longer has a backport for Leia:
    metadata.tvdb.com -> metadata.tvdb.com.python
    metadata.themoviedb.org -> metadata.themoviedb.org.python
    metadata.tvshows.themoviedb.org -> metadata.tvshows.themoviedb.org.python

  • Shonk

    The answer came sooner than I thought:

    In newer Kodi versions, they have been replaced with the following, which no longer has a backport for Leia:
    metadata.tvdb.com -> metadata.tvdb.com.python
    metadata.themoviedb.org -> metadata.themoviedb.org.python
    metadata.tvshows.themoviedb.org -> metadata.tvshows.themoviedb.org.python

    I believe its broken in 19/20/21 etc and they have left it in for older builds 17/18

    but at some point it may break as its not maintained anymore

    once i added metadata.tvdb.com-3.3.0 the other day manually and selected it my TV Show's scanned just fine

    Im quite shocked that nobody has noticed it tbh

    my guess is not many people are using kodi for its intended purpose..

    Sorry for the late answer...

    This is not a LibreELEC specific issue, but there might be some confusion in the Kodi repo, I will try to find it and report it on GitHub to the Kodi devs.

    Until then, you can access the latest version for Leia here: https://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/leia/metadata.tvdb.com/

    I would need a little more detailed information than that, because I don't know exactly what you mean by that.

    When you start up kodi you get a popup in the top right


    Popup 1

    Pulse-Eight CEC Adapter

    Connecting to Pulse Eight CEC Adapter

    Popup 2

    Pulse-Eight CEC Adapter

    Connected: TV RXV667

    Here's the toast patch CoreElec use

    Pulse Eight CEC pop up
    It’s minimum since 9.2.2 not visible: You can also disable CEC in Kodi settings (libCEC).

    Edited 3 times, last by Shonk: Merged a post created by Shonk into this post. (December 31, 2023 at 12:13 PM).

  • When you start up kodi you get a popup in the top right

    Okay, now it's clear to me what you were talking about earlier, this is originally a patch from OSMC.

    So far, no one has asked it, and I haven't dealt with it in particular, because I wasn't bothered by that popup message, but I added the patch at your request.

    The build is in progress, I will post the download link when it is done.

  • is there an easy way for me to upgrade the copy on internal nand apart from installtointernal then restore a backup?

    If you already have my build installed on the eMMC, then boot from there, and copy the .tar file via Samba to the Update directory. Then you don't have to worry about saving/restoring, you just have to restart the box and the update will run automatically after starting.

    Or, if it's easier for you via SSH, do this:

    cd ~/.update/
    wget https://libreelec.dtech.hu/snapshots/20231231-master-5167113/LibreELEC-Generic_S912.arm-

    The end result will be the same. :)