Remote Control

  • Hi, I'm looking for a bit of advise regarding a One 4 All streamer remote control and GPIO IR receiver, I followed the wiki on infared remotes and configured it the hard way and it is working as expected, excluding the occasional double button press when pressing up or down.

    Keymap file


    LibreELEC:~/.config # cat rc_maps.cfg
    # Keymaps table
    * * streamer_remote

    Ideally I would like to remap a few of the buttons to run a few scripts but no matter what i have tried it doesn't seem to work, I tried to add a keymap.xml to kodi userdata folder but it doesn't seem to have any effect

    LibreELEC:~/.config # cat ../.kodi/userdata/keymaps/keymap.xml  

    Am i doing something wrong or would it be better and easier to revert to the LIRC method?

    Also can a bash script be ran or would a python be more appropriate?

    any help or assistance would be appreciated :thumbup:

  • For running scripts / commands by IR remote I would recommend go this way, it's reliable and easy to (re)configure, especially if you can map buttons unused by Kodi (use search to find some more examples here):

    echo /usr/bin/irexec -d /storage/.config/lircrc >> /storage/.config/

    And some example of lircrc config file:

    /storage/.config/lircrc :


    prog = irexec

    button = KEY_A

    config = kodi-send --button=a



    prog = irexec

    button = KEY_TITLE

    config = /storage/signalshow/



    prog = irexec

    button = KEY_POWER2

    config = /storage/relay/



    prog = irexec

    button = KEY_PRINT

    config = kodi-send --action="TakeScreenshot"



    prog = irexec

    button = KEY_MODE

    config = kodi-send --action="ActivateWindow(Settings)"



    prog = irexec

    button = KEY_FAVORITES

    config = kodi-send --action="ContextMenu"


    Edited 3 times, last by ghtester (January 13, 2021 at 8:35 PM).

  • Try with "guide" instead of "epg" in the keymap.xml file. The "KEY_EPG" code is mapped to the "guide" button in Lircmap.xml (see the devinput section).

    so long,


    Wow, worked first time Hias, thanks - I feel like a bit of a tool tbh as out of all the things i could have chosen i picked that one and didn't look in the Lircmap.xml file :blush:

    Happy days tho i can reset the remote and map all the buttons.

    Thanks again

    You wouldn't happen to know where i can change the

    Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms

    Just to add: in case someone googles that remote at any point, by default there are 4 buttons that cannot be coded as they are reserved (netflix, Amazon buttons etc) by resetting the remote and not enabling CEC and using NEC protocol they can be remapped, despite what One for All say.

    Edited once, last by Veedub (January 13, 2021 at 10:06 PM).

  • in LE 9.2 you can change repeat settings via a udev rule, eg /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/99-my-repeat.rules with this content:

    ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="input", SUBSYSTEMS=="rc", KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", \
      RUN+="/usr/bin/ir-keytable --delay=750 --period=150 --device=$devnode"

    See also /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/70-input-repeat.rules (which applies to non-rc-core devices).

    so long,
