Several Genesis (Phil, Tony, Mike) Live Music Concerts Video Lags, then Snaps Back In.

  • I have several Genesis Live Concert Videos, all from the box set, that will fall out of sync. All the videos from this box set seem to do this same thing, And on 2 separate RPi4s. One with 2GB on WiFi and the other with 4GB wired ethernet. I do not have this problem in Kodi, on the PC that holds all the videos.

    i enabled "sync playback to display", and now every so often, the sync will snap back together, and then fall out of sync again.

  • Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • Yeah, that error is visible at the log:

    Switch de-interlacing off. Read here how to do it: Click!

    Try that setting with and without sync-to-display.

  • So the real final solution to this situation is that I will have to remember to switch between settings for these particular movies.

    When I started watching non problematic movies, they started exhibiting the same problem. So interlacing off, and sync to device on for the problem shows, and interlacing back on and sync to device off for everything else.

    Thanks again for your help.

  • So an update on this problem. I have moved to Kodi Matrix beta running on my Pi4. Unfortunately, I thought that the updated version would solve some of these issues. A more detailed description of what I see happening is, the video starts close to sync, and over time, gets further and further out of sync, to the point where I am a second or more out of sync. This manifests itself, in that when I press pause, the video takes the out of sync, amount of time, to actually pause. I have tried most of the suggestions listed on the above link. This is a very apparent situation on the Godfather 3 movie that I am experimenting with.

    I am currently running a nightly build of Libreelec from a couple of days ago, using the Confluence skin, but have tried the default as well. 1920x 1080p refresh rate 30, nothing in the whitelist. I don't see a sync to screen in the settings anywhere, and interlace is greyed out.

    As previously mentioned, this is on a RPi4 4gb wired, and 2gb wireless. No issues on the PC version of Kodi at all.

  • Yes, that sync error is visible at the log. The rest of the log looks good, so I'm thinking it's a decoding bug (WMA pro / DTS). A dev should have a look at this, I have no idea about a hot fix.

  • The problem is the codec (VC-1) which isn't hardware decoded and ffmpeg doesn't support multithreading.

    (You typically see one core at 100% with 2 fairly idle) Some 1080p files struggle to keep up. Overclocking could help.

    I did profile and found about 30% of the decode time is spent in two loop filter functions.

    There's optimised assembly on x86, but arm only has C code. It's something we'd like to improve.

  • So I would like some further explanation. I have many HD movies encoded into my computer that have no problem playing back at all. They are ripped with the same software. With the same settings. Most play just fine, with not even a hint of a problem. What is it about these particular encoded videos that creates this problem?

    I am not expecting an answer that completely explains my specific problem, I just don't understand the majority of my Blu Ray encoded videos playing fine, and these several not being okay.


    Edited once, last by drewbp (April 9, 2021 at 2:14 AM).

  • Just to make this complete: HEVC (aka H265) is suggested by dev CvH as the best long-term solution for encoding. If you want to play your video library on multiple platforms, go for that codec. (RPi 4 can hardware-decode it.)

    At second place comes H264. (RPi 4 can hardware-decode it.)

    MPEG-2 is third place. (RPi 4 can only software-decode it. RPi 3 can hardware-decode it by license purchase.)

    VC-1 is working on powerful hardware (x86 PC's), but can overcharge weaker hardware, like RPi's, due to missing multi-threading. (RPi 4 can only software-decode it. RPi 3 can hardware-decode it by license purchase.)