Simple PVR IPTV won't keep/recognise settings

  • (I've posted the same yesterday in the wrong place)

    I'm trying to configure Simple PVR IPTV client on LibreELEC installed on RPi4 but for some reason it doesn't work. If I go to the plugin configuration I can see URL, but it doesn't seem to be reading it. Also .kodi/addons/pvr.iptvsimple/resources/settings.xml file doesn't have config entered in UI configuration menu. I did the same on RPi3 and it worked, but not in RPi4. Anyone know how to fix it or can recommend different IPTV client?


  • I have the exact same issue.

    After a reboot my channels are not loading even though everything is setup correctly.

    IF i go to the settings of the simple client, deactivating and activating the client again, all channels are shown correctly.

    There is some odd saving issue with the new libreelec version.

    I've also noticed, that my config.txt does not keep the reading/writing rights, even after setting it to:
    mount -o remount,rw /flash

  • Maybe I found a solution.

    The Pi4 is too fast by loading up and asks for your m3u list before an internet connection is established.

    Go to settings => libreelec => network => before the start of Kodi wait for network

    After that your PVR client should load up normally after a reboot.