GPIO in the opi PC

  • I noticed that the gpio is being used for a remote control projects so I am wondering if I could use it for temperature sensing with the DS18B20.

    In armbian I enable it by adding to /boot/armbianEnv.txt:


    If it is possible to use this sensor. How do I enable it?

    I have a orange pi PC

    Thanks for your help


  • W1 is not enabled in kernel config yet. Additionally, LE also doesn't support DT overlays yet. So, you would have to build custom image with appropriate drivers enabled and edit OrangePi PC DT to enable one wire on PD14.

  • I have done a kernel image before on a x86 machine.

    I think I have seen how to do it on armbian

    So I will look into it some more.

    It takes 2 months + to get another one here. To split the project

