I've thought it may be fixed and waited for some new versions to come but still having this issue... When I try to open any AV1 encoded video (mkv or mp4 container, doesn't matter) Libreelec crashes and Kodi restarts itself on Raspberry Pi 4 ! The resolution doesn't matter, I'm not talking for 4K video- just 1080p or lower. When I click on any AV1 encoded video it just crashes. I've started to collect a lot of AV1 encoded stuff in my library and this issue makes Kodi (Libreelec) not suitable for use. All 1080p AV1 videos I've tried play well in VLC player (Raspberry Pi OS)- tested. If it can be fixed somehow will be perfect !

Libreelec crashes when trying to play any AV1 encoded video (Raspberry Pi 4)
VEG6 -
November 12, 2020 at 1:08 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Yep, I see the same, the Raspi just reboots every time I try to open an AV1 encoded file. I have just taken to using handbrake to re-encode them for the moment. Clearly an issue that needs to be addressed...
At first, I would read here and try to follow the instructions: HOW-TO: provide bug-reports