Backup specific settings

  • Hi,

    yesterday I had some trouble with the Netflix add-on. I couldn't play any video for some reason, no error message either. However, reinstallation of this add-on didn't help, so I made a full backup of the sd card and installed a clean 9.2.6 (previous was 9.2.0). After installing the add-on on the fresh installation again everything worked fine.

    Now I want to restore my settings from the old installation, but only the settings (like Samba shares and stuff), because I don't know what caused the error in the old installation. Is this possible? Or is it only possible to backup and restore everything?

  • Right now, there are no options in the Backup/Restore tool to "cherrypick" what you like to backup or restore. It's an all-or-nothing situation.

    What you can do is manually untar/unzip the specific LE backup file via a Linux machine,

    and then copy whatever files you feel like are necessary back to your new setup.

    So you'll need to get your hands dirty on this one, so to speak.

  • I thought so...

    Well, this wouldn't be much of a problem, I am just afraid of transferring the error from the old installation to the new one.

    I want to restore especially the samba shares I added and the youtube add-on, the latter because it was a pain in the ass to type the API key^^'

  • As said, you can unzip the backup file. Any decent archive tool such as 7-Zip will support the .tar extension. So a Linux machine is not necessary per se. After that, copy the add-on's data folder for the item(s) you need, and Bob's your uncle.

  • A Linux machine might be not necessary, but as always it is well-suited for the job. ;)

    I don't use Windows for 8 years and I don't miss it. I just copied some of the .xml files inside the userdata folder und some addons data folders. Everything seems to work fine.

    Thanks for your support.

  • There's an easy way to relieve you of the API-key input "pain" for the Youtube add-on, just activate the addon's web interface so you can copy paste all the key's.

    In the Kodi Youtube-add-on settings go to http and activate web interface and set ip to local (

    Make sure in the API settings the "allowed to use developer key" is set to true.

    Go into your pc browser and go to yourkodiipaddress:50152/API and copy paste.
