Where is Live TV sound processed?

  • I have a question that arises from the fact that when playing Live TV, the center channel is apparently dropped from broadcasts w/ 5.1 sound, instead of passing the sound thru or mixing it down properly. I am curious as to which link in the chain might be causing the problem. I'm only vaguely aware of the basic technology and jargon and such. I hope this is an appropriate subject and question for this forum.

    I have: HDHomerun tuner; LibreELEC v9.2.5, with current HDHomerun driver, TVheadend, TVHeadend HTSP client; RPi 4; Dolby-capable AVR w/ 3.1 channels of speakers, TV w/ SPDIF output to the AVR.

    I know I can play Dolby 5.1 movies from disk w/ full sound (i.e. 5.1 mixed down to 3.1), so it seems like the basic system sound processing must be ok.

    I know that I could play Live TV free of this issue on an x86 system w/ the same tuner and output hardware, so I assume the problem is probably in the HDHomerun driver, TVheadend or HTSP client software. Does this make sense? Is it obvious where the problem might be?
