Newbie access question

  • Hi,

    though I have experience in Linux, I'm new to both the Raspberry Pi, libreELEC, and Kodi.

    I got no display connected, only a LAN cable.

    I can ping the device and also access the SMB share.

    Web access does NOT work out of the box as there's no listener, neither on port 80 nor on port 443 TCP. This is not being mentioned anywhere, correct? Not what you'ld expect.

    I then checked the 05_Network.log file and found a listener Kodi on port 8080 which I tried. Success.

    The Chorus web interface looks completely different than all the screenshots on In particular I didn't find any setting for activating SSH access.

    Then I click on addons, it says "No results found", see attached screenshot. LibreELEC add-ons are enabled, though.

    What am I doing wrong or missing? Thanks


  • Web access does NOT work out of the box as there's no listener, neither on port 80 nor on port 443 TCP. This is not being mentioned anywhere, correct? Not what you'ld expect.

    It is not enabled by default as this is Kodi's default setting. It may not be mentioned in LibreELEC documentation, but on the other hand not everyone requires access via the Web. I'd say: attach a monitor and enable/change all necessary settings, and you're done.

    Our own website could have outdated sections. The number of contributing people to our wiki, website, etc is sadly not upto par at the moment. You may find more uptodate info on the Kodi wiki.

    I have little to no experience with the Chorus2 webinterface. If you already have certain add-ons installed, then they should appear.