Hardware Recomendation

  • I am looking at replacing my Pi3+ with something that can support HEVC/h.265 the Le Potato caught my eye because its physically almost a drop in replacement, and the description says it has h.265 hardware decoding. But I currently can't run a network cable to the device. So I have 3 questions.

    1. What wireless adapter is recommended that LibreELEC already supports and I could use with the Le Potato. I don't want to have to compile kernel modules.

    2. Is there another piece of hardware around the <= $100 mark that will do HEVC/h.265 hardware decoding. Keeping in mind I also don't have room for an HTPC, and even if I did I would still need a wireless adapter.

  • The Khadas boards have built-in broadcom WiFi which avoids the problem although no wireless device is brilliantly fast. Note that hardware decoded HEVC is the one thing that LE (on mainline Linux) does not currently support on Amlogic hardware (still WIP). Older LE images (and CE) which use the legacy vendor kernels are the current workaround. Amlogic boards with S922X, A311D, S905X3 (e.g. VIM3L) are also capable of software decoding 1080p HEVC content (but not 4K) which is the other workaround.

  • Thanks I picked up Khadas VIM3L HTPC kit after reading this post. I found it after posting this question and liked that I could get the kit.

    Would be nice If you can give some Info on the vim3l (at least for me). What you are using (tvh Client etc) and how it performs with LE.

    Maybe a good Alternative for a NUC or Rpi4.

