Youtube addon no thumbnails

  • Hello, is anybody else having the issue that the youtube addon no longer loads thumbnail previews for the videos? I've been having this issues for 3 days, tried clearing the thumbnails and renaming the textures13.db file but they still don't load, actually the older ones do load, it's like youtube changed something and they suddenly stopped loading.

    Thanks for any help

  • Few time I had some problems with youtube add on that I cured by deleting all cache/search/playback/history/database from Settings-Maintenance menu.

  • I have the same problem on 2 Intel NUC's running Libreelec 9.2.3 but my Windows 10 Computer running Kodi 18.7, YouTube Addon 6.8.2 and the same API Keys has no issues at all. Some of the people on the YouTube Addon Forum now claim that making new API Keys solves the problem.