Kodi crash during epg update

  • Hi all,
    I have a Problem with the alpha versions of LibreElec.

    Most every time the EPG is updating, Kodi crashes. (For example if LibreElec starts)
    My system is an Ashrock E350M with LibreElec 7.90.008
    TVHeadend-Server (4.1.2236) on the same system.
    TVHeadend Client (3.4.7) on the same System.

    If I change the Guide Setting 'Days to Display' Kodi chrashes immediately.
    I have tested Version 7.90.005 - 7.90.008

    I have attached the logfiles

  • hmm
    script.skin.helper.service goes wild and spams the log with errors, i guess that is the problem (deactivate/deinstall and test again)

  • hmm
    script.skin.helper.service goes wild and spams the log with errors, i guess that is the problem (deactivate/deinstall and test again)

    Hi CvH,

    thanks for your answer.
    Do you mean to reinstall TVHeadend Server/Client Plugins, or LibreElec?

    If I change the connection settings of the TVH-Client Plugin from to an extern Raspberry PI TVH Server on the network,
    Kodi is not crashing any more.

    Maybe this info helps to find the reason of the chrash.