LibreELEC is sharing its whole folder structure, root, warts and all to the network - write-access

  • Hi

    my latest LibreELEC is sharing its whole innards to the network, I can go in on Windows 10 Explorer/Network/LibreELEC and happily (or not so) delete each and every file on it: Configfiles, Userdata - everything.

    What could cause this? I just ran the fresh install and then followed the yatse guide for remote access (How to configure Kodi for Remote Control access). And I even disabled "Announce services to other systems".

    Clearly this is wrong and it must be my fault. Only: What happened?

    • Official Post

    The first-run wizard allows you to enable SSH and disable Samba sharing. Samba is on by default and you did not turn it off. Go visit the services section of the LE settings add-on if you do not want that info available over the network.

  • Thank you! I had actually been looking all over Settings->Services. There seems to be no option to disable Samba from there.

    With your help I found and solved it. Thanks!