As the title says, something that can be used to compile stuff like drivers (e.g. for TV tuners) straight from our LibreELEC boxes, would at the least help newbies like me who would otherwise not know what they're doing with trying to slipstream drivers into the install img file.
Make and other things needed to compile
oldhaglugia -
June 1, 2020 at 3:25 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
not sure what you are trying to do
do you want to compile some driver for LE that is currently not supported ?
Yup. I'm trying to compile the drivers for my tv tuner card, which is otherwise unsupported in LE.
- Official Post
It would be good to tell us which card. We suck at guessing
Oh, oops. Should've mentioned it's a TBS 6704 ATSC tuner (unsupported by the crazycat drivers)
- Official Post
TBS 6704 ATSC tuner
its actually quite easy, at least the needed changes
the crazycat package needs to get exchanged with the TBS package that is basically the same
I have a look to create you a diff file for that change.
Oh ok, thanks.
Tried compiling on a different distro (Ubuntu in a VM) and copied the resulting files over, that didn't do anything. Though that might be due to Ubuntu using a newer kernel than LE (5.4 vs. 5.1)