Libreelec - missing directorys in database

  • Hi,

    i am new to Libreelec / Kodi and prompt running in troubles. Installing Libreelec on my Raspi4 runs fine. But after adding my Serien Directory some Directorys are missing in the database.

    All movies are on external Disk and sorted in Directorys, for example: Serien//Babylon 5/Staffel 1/ Most of them are indexed, but a couple of series is missing. They are on Disk but not recognized in the database.

    Thank you all in advance for any help

  • Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • Code
    2020-05-27 15:29:27.805 T:2875597680   DEBUG: FindMovie: Searching for 'Die Fosters' using The Movie Database scraper (path: '/storage/.kodi/addons/', content: 'tvshows', version: '3.5.3')
    2020-05-27 15:29:27.825 T:2875597680   DEBUG: scraper: CreateSearchUrl returned <url cache="tmdb-search-Die%20Fosters-de.json">;query=Die%20Fosters&amp;language=de&amp;append_to_response=credits,external_ids,images&amp;include_image_language=de,en,null</url>
    2020-05-27 15:29:27.825 T:2875597680   DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0xafbcf8f0),external_ids,images&include_image_language=de,en,null
    2020-05-27 15:29:28.027 T:2875597680   DEBUG: Get: Using "UTF-8" charset for ",external_ids,images&include_image_language=de,en,null"
    2020-05-27 15:29:28.030 T:2875597680   DEBUG: scraper: GetSearchResults returned <results></results>
    2020-05-27 15:29:28.030 T:2875597680   DEBUG: FindMovie: Searching for 'Die Fosters' using The Movie Database scraper (path: '/storage/.kodi/addons/', content: 'tvshows', version: '3.5.3')
    2020-05-27 15:29:28.031 T:2875597680   DEBUG: scraper: CreateSearchUrl returned <url cache="tmdb-search-Die%20Fosters-de.json">;query=Die%20Fosters&amp;language=de&amp;append_to_response=credits,external_ids,images&amp;include_image_language=de,en,null</url>
    2020-05-27 15:29:28.034 T:2875597680   DEBUG: scraper: GetSearchResults returned <results></results>
    2020-05-27 15:29:28.034 T:2875597680 WARNING: No information found for item '/media/Elements/Serien/Die Fosters/', it won't be added to the library.

    die fosters — The Movie Database (TMDb) <= returns no results
    the fosters — The Movie Database (TMDb) <= shows 3x series

    So you might need to use the English series names for the scraper to match, even if the information the scraper subsequently downloads is the DE translation. Or you need to sign up with TMDB and add/edit the series to ensure the German alternative name is registered and returns results.

    I didn't look into the other items, but it's likely the same root cause.