ln not working

  • I am running plex server via docker on my Libraelec.

    I got some OSERROR bold below.

    Line 941: OSError: [Errno 38] Function not implemented

    Line 943: 2020-05-25 01:37:11,242 (-4d1000) : CRITICAL (storage:257) - Error creating symbolic link from [../../http://com.plexapp.agents.imdb/posters/bb46b74f2413eea325ad6ba35] to /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/Movies/c/c1942ff9c70d74aebbb1829520b4c3b.bundle/Contents/_combined/posters/com.plexapp.agents.imdb_bb46b74f2413eea325ad6ba35164c9315e] (most recent call last):

    Line 946: OSError: [Errno 38] Function not implemented

    I tried creating symbolic link

    LibreELEC:/var/media/My Passport # ln -s docker docker1

    ln: docker1: Function not implemented

    it seems like ln is not working properly in this version of libraelec.

    LibreELEC (Leia) 9.2.1

  • "Not working" is the worst topic title I can think of.

    Please type something more specific next time, so that forum visitors and the forum search engine know what to expect.

    In case of log files, always provide the FULL log file via a pastebin website.

    Providing only a couple of puzzle pieces of the whole puzzle is not helping.

    Also, v9.2.3 is just around the corner, it's being tested internally at the moment.