Lacie Blade Runner not getting mounted in Libreelec

  • Hi all,

    i am an owner of a Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB Version) with Libreelec installed on top. Everything runs smooth and without any major problem, apart from my latest attempt, in attaching my Lacie Blade Runner External Hard Disk Drive on it, through a USB 3.0, in an attempt to import my Movies and TV Shows in Kodi. Unfortunately, the disk is not mounted and not even viewable at all. Same problem however occurs in my PopOS! main PC installation, but it randomly tends to appear there, and usually disappears after a restart, and shows up again randomly, after 5-30 minutes of work. However, in my Windows 10 Operating System, it shows up with no problem.

    Please find below the output of the dmesg|paste , if you can come up with any ideas and suggestions.

    Thanks everyone!

    • Official Post

    However, in my Windows 10 Operating System, it shows up with no problem.

    The external HDD may not have been properly ejected/unmounted in Windows.

    Make sure it's not in suspended or hibernation mode.

    Also have Windows check for any disk errors before reconnecting to the RPi4.

    Same problem however occurs in my PopOS!

    Perhaps Linux is a bit allergic to LaCie disk controllers... It's not uncommon, but it hardly happens anymore these days.