How to make ASTROMETA work on Liberelec? Simple.

  • Hi!

    As I was reading the latest threads, I realized many users don't know there's Libreelec 19.8 with Kernel 5 with Astrometa DVB-C driver support.

    Here's the link: Index of /builds/master/

    Please note, this is an update pack only, not a full img also it is not official, so bugs and incompatibility issues might be present.

    To be honest, I don't remember how I installed it, but as far as I remember:

    Just install the official build with the downloader and get the latest 19.8 update from the link above.

    When it booted I used the update manual via Samba share described on this page:

    Update LibreELEC []

    I hope it helped, if I was wrong, then correct me!

    Cheers. :*