install LE on DEAD A95X MAX V81

  • hello

    i did break my box and i want to unbreak it using LE.

    this is what i did try and didn't work :

    1. flashing LE with different dtb files no one worked i get no video signal. (using the how to install LE tutorial)

    2. short pin (sdinADF4-64g not Samsung ) the box after pushing the reset av button the PC detect the USB but it listed as Unknow USB device even if i installed ton of drivers (burning tool drivers rocketship drivers...),the burning tool and androidtool didn't detect the USB because it listed as an unknown USB device.

    3. i did try to ssh into the box because after connecting the box to my router via ethernet i can't get the ip of the box and the ip scanner in my PC didn't detect the box, also even if i see yellow light flashing in the ethernet witch mean the ethernet is not working :frowning:

    side of the box

    finally i did connect with the UART interface with putty serial port here is the log using USB only flashed with CE :


    and here is the log from putty if i use an SD card only flashed with CE:


    i think i have this loop because the update deleted the bootloader :(

    because if i flash the sd card with wind 32 imager with this boot image A95XMAX_boot.img from the google drive link:

    A95XMAX_boot.img - Google Drive

    i get this Log :

    External Content
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    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    please help.

  • The "G12A:BL:0253b8:61aa2d;FEAT:F0F831B0:12020;POC:F;RCY:0;EMMC:0" stuff means no bootloader on eMMC. It's actually a better position to be in than having the wrong bootloader (as then you're in pin-shorting territory). If you put A95XMAX_boot.img on an SD card it will boot from the card and start looking for something to boot. If the u-boot environment contains the usual Amlogic bsp garbage it will look for some "autoscript" files or boot.ini or boot.scr .. so I would start with putting LibreELEC-AMLG12.arm-9.80.0-box.img.gz on a USB stick, setting a dtb name in uEnv.ini - pick another G12A device like X96max or U200. If you're lucky it will find the USB and boot, and tthe UART will then give you access to an OS and console where you have more tools to play with. I suck at figuring out all the sector counts, but as a minimum you can then "dd" the A95XMAX_boot.img back to the emmc device, and then you can probably run LE or other distro's from an SD card.

  • i flashed the A95MAX_boot.img on SD card, then i copy past the AMLG12 on a USB stick.

    so the USB contain only one file AMLG12 image.

    but still i get this error :

    External Content
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    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    as you can see it detect the USB i inserted but it suck with this error

    Request Sense returned 02 3A 00

    init_part() 282: PART_TYPE_DOS

    2 Storage Device(s) found

    ** Bad device size - usb 0 **

    ** Bad device size - usb 0 **

    Err imgread(L93):img NOT signed but secure boot enabled

    Err imgread(L259):Fail in _aml_get_secure_boot_kernel_size, rc=94

  • thank you chewitt you are awesome , i did gain access to the console serial :)

    what to do now to recover my box?

    if i type update i get InUsbBurn and then i connect the box via A to A usb cable to the PC but still i get nothing in the amlogic burning tool or androidtool no connection.

    how to install what is in the usb via this console?

  • If you're at the LE serial console "emmctool" will tell you which is the /dev/device for emmc, so connect ethernet and scp the A95X .img to /storage and then write u-boot to emmc with "dd if=A95MAX_boot.img of=/dev/mmcblkX bs=1M" .. this should make the box bootable from emmc again and you free up the SD card for booting some kind of OS image (LE, Armbian, etc.).

    What OS do you want to restore to emmc? .. and if you already have some kind of files, what are they called and what format are they? (and where did you get them from).

  • thank you chewitt for your help,

    sadly i can't connect via ethernet or using LE serial console,

    what is working for me now is UART

    and with it i can access the U-boot here is the commands i can use with this tool:


    fatls usb 1

    i can access see the files inside the usb 1.... the usb 0 is the SSD/HDD.

    but i don't know how to install the boot.img from the USB 1 into the mmc :(

    using usb_update not working

    please help

  • sdc_update- Burning a partition with image file in sdmmc card

    before prepare correctly sd card with this tool for writing u-boot to micro sd card Burn Card Maker v2.0.3 - FreakTab 

    after preparing card copy also *.img and if i remember correctly you must change img string pointing to *.img file in ini file on prepared micro sd card.

    some info in this article Download Amlogic Burn Card Maker and How to use it

    Edited 4 times, last by stpf99 (April 28, 2020 at 4:34 PM).

  • i can't use the sd card because is used to boot the system with :(,

    if i use the sd card prepared with burn maker tool that contain *.img, the boox will not boot ...

    it will boot only if preprare the sd card with A95XMAX_boot.img file.

    because i don't have a bootloader inside my BOX.

    Edited once, last by xfocus29 (April 28, 2020 at 5:28 PM).

  • using the usb_burn or usb_update will trigger the update or burning from the USB dev number 0, but my USB is in dev number 1.

    how to force the usb_burn to search inside dev 1 instead of auto selecting USB 0?

    P.S : the USB 0 device is the port for adding HDD or SSD (i don't have SSD or HDD).