LE 9.2.1 on Raspi Wifi manually switched off but how to turn it back on?

  • Hi guys,

    in my network settings of Kodi 18.6. I have two wifi adaptors.

    wlan0 is the raspis internal wifi, which is connected, up and running.

    I do have wifi1 which is external usb wifi adaptor, which works but I connected it to a wifi and then deactivated this "connection".

    I did it like, navigating to the network settings, then selecting wifi1 (which was connected to a wifi),

    then edited that connection and selected addressing mode "off".

    I do not know how to turn the wifi1 back on. I forgot how to do this.

    Can yome help me?


  • LE Settings > Connections > Browse the list, you should see networks listed twice, once with wlan0 and again with wlan1. Select the wlan1 connection and 'connect' the connection.

    Dear chewitt,

    well yes, I did that of course but it won't connect and says, that no carrier is there.

    Might be important: I have copied the connmann file to .config/conmman_main.conf like you described:


    But I since I having this issue with deactivated adaptors for years now, I guess this has nothing do with it. Just wanted to let you know...

  • I just did some testing:

    1) I did what you advised chewitt and navigated toLE Settings > Connections and chose the offline adaptor to connect to my wifi.

    -> Ended up in crash of Kodi.

    2) I tried to delete the connection, which also ended up in crashing Kodi.

    3) I realized, that my external usb wifi dongle obviously is wlan0 and the internal chip of Raspi is wlan1 -> Does that make sense? I can't remember that :D

    Do I have to revert back to factory defaults or is there another way to reset the network setting!?


  • Interface naming is determined by kernel hardware probing order. As a broad rule "internal" hardware normally probes first, but it's not guaranteed, so if the USB device is probed first it will be wlan0, and the internal becomes wlan1, etc.

    WiFi has nothing to do with Kodi.

    Do a couple of reboots and see if the MAC address of the wlan0 (USB) interface changes with each boot?

  • Interface naming is determined by kernel hardware probing order. As a broad rule "internal" hardware normally probes first, but it's not guaranteed, so if the USB device is probed first it will be wlan0, and the internal becomes wlan1, etc.

    WiFi has nothing to do with Kodi.

    Do a couple of reboots and see if the MAC address of the wlan0 (USB) interface changes with each boot?

    Thanks for your reply!

    Basicall all is true and I know, that the kernel determines what is possible for the on top "os" and devices etc..

    I mean, within Kodi I deactivated the wifi adapter and cannot reactivate in anymore, even though the dongle is being recognized by the kernel and can be used.

    To answer your question:

    I did a couple of reboots and the mac addresses do not change for the according wifi devices.

    I therefore think the Kodi settings for the wifi seem to be immature, which is the reason I opened up a case at Kodinerds.

    Never mind.

    Let us close this one out.

    Thanks for taking care, Chewitt ! I really appreciate it.

  • Interesting stuff to read. Keep it up.

    Edited 2 times, last by k5nemch (May 19, 2020 at 4:54 AM).