latest update has error with "browse for subtitles". Freezes.

  • latest update has error with "browse for subtitles". Freezes.

    It auto updated in the background and now I cannot add subtitles I have downloaded.

    please fix


  • It auto updated in the background and now I cannot add subtitles I have downloaded.

    Browsing for subtitles shouldn't be necessary, if:

    - you used a Kodi subtitle download addon which should rename the downloaded subtitle automatically

    - you rename the manually downloaded subtitles as per the related video file.

    please fix

    You'll have to provide your kodi.log file first (via pastebin). Enable debugging first and reboot LibreELEC, then start a video and select a subtitle. Should LibreELEC freeze, check if you still can log into it via SSH, if so, then you can send out the log file via:

    pastebinit ~/.kodi/temp/kodi.log.

    If not, send us the kodi.old.log file during the next LibreELEC session.

    It's not so much a Kodi problem, but a LibreELEC problem. Browsing for subtitles Ubuntu+Kodi (also a Linux combination) on my PC, and manually selecting a subtitle, works. I'll check later on a RPi4 with LibreELEC.