jarvis/libreelec7.0+ for Rock64

  • Thank you,

    what about earlier release for Pine A64(+)?

    Tried the latest nightly from Software Page (build 20191226) or Pine64 Installer > Kodi 19 > but this is very unstable and also the Iptvsimple-pvr does not load any channels.

  • the image 8.9 was more functional for me (sadly i find the image anylonger) but if it is no more available then it must be for a good reason and i'll have to stick with the newer builds.

    compatibility seems bit less with older smbv1/2 that runs on my macmini server with snow leopard10.6 (luckily snow leopard has still ftp sharing options)

    hopefully the pvr-iptvsimple-addon gets fixed as the eyetv iptv server running on my macmini does not provide any channellist for this kodi alpha 19 it seems.

  • You might be better off using systemd/kernel SMB mounts and pointing Kodi to a "local" file path instead of using the built-in SMB client. I found this was needed with older TimeCapsule devices which also run Apple's own sucky SMB implementation. Have a look in /storage/.config/systemd for the .mount file examples.

  • sorry, but i am not so savvy as i am just beginning to use SMB lately.

    noticed that Apple SMB sometimes needs to be "restarted" eg. ticked off and on to get operational again, which is quite annoying, but ok.

    also, it seems not to play very well with Windows.

    i looked through those 2 Cifs and NFS sample files, but really don't know what to do with them.

    as a failsafe, i use FTP shares, as Snow Leopard still has the FTP File Sharing option inhouse, but the problem with that lies again that when using FTP shares, none of the DVD Folder would play (i assume it is because of username:password issue, which in case of FTP share is not being asked), and with Samba Share those would play (after getting asked for username:password)

    am i right in assuming that the cifs.sample file is for setting up a path to samba share?

    nfs share would probably need a server version of macos?

  • today i tried again forcing everything smb in "services" and "libreelec" to smbv.1 and enabling "legacy security" seems have done the trick now windows 7 shares and mac smb shares are visisble; although on macmini sometimes for first visibility the filesharing option has to be un-ticked and then re-enabled to somehow restart the samba server. then the samba shares show up.

    maybe nfs share with macos server could be a better option?

  • hello , i found a quite stable solution (after even testing mac os server 10.6.8) by using the *nfs* option provided by kodi

    all i had to do was to use terminal in mac osx 10.6 according to this post

    NFS exports and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard – revolution34

    i just created this file


    and inserted something like

    /Users/test/Movies -maproot=test

    or other directions and after updating the whole as suggested by the article with

    sudo nfsd checkexports


    sudo nfsd update

    the nfs share was active after short time.

    the trick that did it on my computer was to leave away the last part *

    -network -mask

    it seems most stable and accessible also after changing from one raspberry to another etc., finally withouth the need to restart anything on the mac-serverside.

    don't know however if i created a big hole security-wise.