Stalker Client -> TVheadend

  • Do you mean

    Stalker Server -> Tvheadend Server -> Kodi Tvheadend Client ?

    in fact I think is Stalker client in Kodi where I have subscription. My idea was to use this subscription and send the signal Kodi Tvheadend Server -> Kodi Tvheadend Client and see it as well from my other TV in the internal network

  • Stalker server -> Kodi stalker client -> Tvheadend server is not working

    Stalker server -> Tvh Server -> whatever is maybe ish working (not sure what the Stalker server is able to do)

    Then how I am able to share the Stalker client signal from 1 device to 2 different TV's? Is there such a way?

  • you can't share the client signal, you can only share the stalker server signal - the server is running at your stalker device

    no idea actually how to use it and if it is possible - you may google how to connect stalker -> tvheadend

    I found the same

    But on Kodi as signal I have only Stalker Client

    Is there an add on for Stalker server ?

    How to install Stalker server on Kodi?

  • The server (PVR Box??) device itself runs some software that needs to be capable of producing something usable. Maybe you can grab an M3U from it and import it into Tvh.

    As soon the "signal" is at the client you can't reuse it.

  • Yes,

    This seems the best

    Have to check if there is an m3u list from Stalker and send it to Tvheadend.
    just was not sure due to the fact that on LIbreELEC I have Stalker client with account and password for it. I was wondering how to put them on Tvheadend as I did not see account and password association from Stalker to Tvheadend.
    have to check if the client is generating an m3u list somewhere in try to add it in the Tvheadend

    thanks for the idea