[Question][answered]Hardware support & updating plans

  • Hi,

    I got some questions to the LibreELEC Team:

    1. For which of the following devices can we expect full support over the next year?

    • ODROID-C1+
    • ODROID-C2
    • ODROID-XU4
    • RPi A+
    • RPi 2 B
    • RPi 3 B
    • BananaPi

    2. Are there plans to integrate an automatic update function ?
    2.1 As you mentioned bleeding-edge, will there be a seperation between versions of LE in terms of LTS or will the user be able to update from lets say Version Krypton 8.2.4576785 to Argon 9.0.0/9.0.1 with a simple click on a button in an update menu?

    kind regards,

    Edited once, last by apxseemax (March 24, 2016 at 2:04 PM).

  • There are no committed plans beyond RPi (which are already supported) and we are not going to suddenly add more projects/devices into our github repo. There is keen interest among the LE team (and in community people we're starting to make friends with) to work better together, but it's very early days and there is nothing concrete to talk about yet, and if we do figure out how to absorb some of the above in the future it will be done slowly to ensure the right result.

    Auto-update is already in-place but there is currently nothing to auto-update to. There will be news about releases and process soon :)

    NB: In the long-term LE will include some changes to ease the process of major version updating for users, but the problem here is not OE/LE or Kodi itself but the add-ons users install. People like myself who run deliberately simple configurations would have no issue (my current main box has updated from OE 2.0 > LE 7.0 without issues) but those with complex DVB and Library arrangements would be rightfully pissed if an auto-update wrecked things (and it does happen) so our overall position on major version changes will not be wildly different from OE or any other Kodi-using distro.

  • LibreELEC on older computers ION / ION 2 etc. ??? Nvidia Builds Legacy ?

    Is it possible to be add-ons and programs not available in OE: skype, webcam ...... etc. :)

    regards !

  • kobrawerde: the Generic image for LE contains multiple nvidia drivers (352.xx and 304.xx) with active driver selection based on the PCI bus ID's of the GPU so there's no need for a separate "Legacy" image.

    Skype isn't likely to happen as it's distributed as a pre-compiled binary that expects a bunch of conventional Linux desktop capabilities to be available and LE (as with OE) has the bare minimum needed to run Kodi as a full-screen app. We could probably back-fill some of the dependencies needed to run it, but you'd still need to stop Kodi to see Skype on-screen (same as the Chrome browser situation today) and then restart Kodi when done. At the end of the day it's a clunky user experience. If Skype is essential you'd be better off with a conventional Linux desktop distro.

    Please explain what the use-case and scenario for a webcam is?

  • For now using firmware AlexELEC :)


    ....but you'd still need to stop Kodi to see Skype on-screen (same as the Chrome browser situation today) and then restart Kodi when done.....

    I did not turn off kodi and see skype......... but Firmware Alexa uses ubuntu sandbox

    problems are only its sound .... I have to switch to pulseaudio ( script.sh + remotecontrol / plugin: script.audio.profiles )


    Please explain what the use-case and scenario for a webcam is?

    uvc drivers for the cameras ... :)

    more: Установка и настройка Skype (chroot-окружение). | HTPC OS


    Edited once, last by kobrawerde (March 26, 2016 at 9:29 AM).