Network Error Input/Output Error Pi ZW

  • Hello, i don't know it this is an issue for everyone, but I've been getting it all the time, and it's impossible to work with this.

    I have 2 Raspberry Pi Zero W, so it cant be a hardware issue. Tried different power supply's, just to be sure, but for a maximum of 200 mAh, i don't think that can be an issue.

    I get Network Error Input/Output Error constantly on Libreelec on the built in wirelesses of the Pi Zero W on 9.2.0, on 9.1.5, on 9.0.0, and the list goes on. It's there a driver issue, or a fix that i can do?

    The only time that it works, if i install Libreelec fresh, after that is just failure, i say 95% wont connect and 5% if i try a lot of times maybe connects one time. I also tried a faster SD card as i saw a post about this. Thing is, with Raspbian i never had an issue with the built in Wi-fi adapter, worked every singe time. I also saw something about open connection, but my setup is WPA-PSK2 security. Thing is, first time it connects, works OK, then if i reboot, or power off, then failure, also when i try to reconnect to the same network, says failure a coupe of tries then reboot hole Libreelec, why?

  • I'm seeing very similar / identical issues on Pi 4. After initial installation, could join WiFi network, and even used it to transfer quite a lot of data.

    But at some point (later that same day), it becomes disconnected, and impossible to reconnect. The only solution I've found thus far is to completely re-image the SD card with a fresh install of LibreELEC!

    The SSID still shows up in connections, but every time I try to connect once it's stopped working, it just gives various errors and sometimes even reboots LibreELEC!

    I tried setting `options cfg80211 ieee80211_regdom=US` in /storage/.config/modprobe.d/cfg80211.conf and thought that had fixed it, but eventually the WiFi connection still went bad.

    I've got it working again today, and trying using manual configuration instead of DHCP, but I doubt that's where the problem lies... We'll see how long it remains connected this time...

    Edited 3 times, last by helzerr (December 22, 2019 at 3:50 PM).